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You think you can define me
Your name must be Webster

Blanket statements

I have more than one gear
Multiple settings
Complex configurations

They are not for you to
Tamper and tinker

They’d be simple
If you asked
They’d be simple
If I told

You assume much
Based on
No observation
No study
No inquiry

You assume much
Based on
Someone else

I continue to
Do and be

While you remain confused
Surprised by my actions
Baffled by my words
Perplex by my expression

Since you won’t ask
Since you assume you already know
Ill only say

You never saw me
You only assumed you did
You never heard me
You only assumed you did

You never knew me
You only assumed you did

©Christopher F. Brown 2012

Technorati Tags: I was never here,you assumed I was,poetry,Christopher F. Brown,
Some place quiet

I would like to
Or maybe
Ride a bike there

If I have to drive
I think too many people might know about it
It has already become too popular
Its purpose
The reason I would have went there
has already been defeated

I’m not trying to give an impression of exclusivity


I just want to be alone

In a place where
I can take a book
Read for hours
I can take a pen and note book
Maybe my laptop
Write for days

I’d bring my headphones
Listen to nature’s symphony
A radio would be too much
Too loud
Not something I would want to carry

I won’t do what I did to my last one
One became two
Two became a few
A few
For me
Became too many

I won’t tell anyone
Ill just leave a note,

Gone fishing

Be back
Sometime between
Now and Then

©Christopher F. Brown 2012

Technorati Tags: Fishing Hole,poetry,Christopher F. Brown,
What I lack in
Monetary means
By far
Lack in depth of soul

Your mind is filled with emptiness
Who slapped whom
On that (so called) reality show
How to tell
Real designer labels
Fake designer labels

The possessor of everything new
Until a newer one comes out
Regardless if the old new one
works just fine

The finer things in life are always expensive
The worth of a man is ALWAYS told by their clothes
The car they drive
The neighborhood they live in


Don’t say this out loud

The darkness of their skin
Or the region their grandparents came in

Yes you
You’ll be young forever
As long as modern medicine can help it

Yes you
You’ll be forever in
As long as you keep company with a certain type of crowd
Agree with the thoughts of a certain few that claim you as
But not really

Loved by many
You are
Hated by more than what you think are few
You are

What about you

If and when you ever
Seek reflection
Look for me


The you
You forgot about

The you
That got you there

The you
That you left here

The you
That keeps you up at night


I am
I don’t think you’ll understand


Haven’t been


In a long time

If you saw
I wonder
Would you recognize
All that you try to hide
All that is


©Christopher F. Brown 2012

Technorati Tags: Shallow’s Love Letter,,poetry,christopher f. brown

— The End —