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I am an African
My skin is black
My hair is black
I am black
I take pride in my blackness
For my colour is not a badge
Of shame, but an identity,
Yes black is my identify
Africa is my identity
I am the son  of the black soil,
A soil rich in history
And blessed with diverse cultures
Each unique in their own way,
I am an African
Africa a nation of the oppressed
But slowly rising to conquer
And claim what is theirs
From the oppressors,
Yes the sleeping sons of Jacob
Are rising,  slowly realising
Their potential as nation ,
Yes my fellow Africans are rising
The black nation is on its knees
I'm a proud african,
Africa my roots
Africa my identity
Africa my ancestral land
Africa my home
Africa is who i am
I am African


Taetso jojo
The Secret Admirer

Will Appear
Deep In Your
Just Before
When It Is
Like An Angel
Of God
In White
From Above
And Whisper
The Gift
Of love
In Your Ears
Red Roses

Taetso jojo
{ Death }

One Day
Death Will reverse
The Fallen Shall Rise

Graves Will Turn
Bones Will Rise And Reconnect
What Was Dust And Ashes
Will Gather Becoming Flesh

On that day
The Sun Will Rise West
Set East

Death Itself Will Die
The Dead
Will Once Again Speak

One day.....

©Taetso Jojo
Broken hearts
heal each other
I know you're hurt
I know you're in pain
I know you've lost faith in love
I know you now envy love
I know you now curse love
And every  mouth that now utters the words "i love you "
Your heart was ripped
Lies were we told
Promises were not kept
You were deceived
I know he took advantage of you
I know you're currently in the healing process
And you're not ready for another relationship
Lately ive noticed you're no longer who you are,
When was the last time you smiled?
I know he took your happiness along with your virginity and left you with an infant
Yes i know he left you with a baby
I know your pains
I know your state
I know you're condition
Beleive you  me I've been there
So let me help you help you and me
Let me help you believe in love again
Let me wipe those tears off
Let me show you there are still others who love you out there
Let me prove to you that not all are lying
when they say i love
Let me restore the meaning of love to you
Let me preach you love and help you beleive in love again
Allow me to prove that not all promises are meant to be broken, some are kept,
What is trash in one's eyes can also be a treasure in one's eyes
He saw no value in you
To me you're a gold mine
But you're value is of Afrcan diamonds
What im trying to say is i love you
I know you're not ready for another relationship
But broken hearts heal each other
There's just this burning flame deep in me that keeps getting stronger and stronger daily when I lay my eyes on you
There's this unusual feeling warming all horizons of my heart
There's always this heavy feeling i feel in my chest whenever I lay my eyes on you
Allow me carry you in my spirit
All im asking for is to love you and to be loved in return
We both from bad relationships
We've travelled the same road
We both hurt
You're hurt
Im hurt
We both from a tour of hell
We've both been burnt by the flames of hell
The wounds are the same  
So can we lick each other's wounds
Can we help each other heal
Can i be with you
Can i love you
Can i be a lover to you
And a father to fatherless
Can i love to you
Broken hearts heal each other
Can i love you  
Can i be your soul mate*

Taetso Jojo.

Copyrights reserved.
I'm sorry for being the reason behind those tears
And that wet pillow

I'm sorry for the fractured heart
That bleeds silently
Bleeding agony,disappointments, regrets
And unfulfilled promises

I'm sorry for the the sleepless nights
Of reminiscing I caused you

I'm sorry for being the reason behind that fake smile
You always wear
The loneliness and misery I caused you

I'm sorry for the "I'm a strong big girl " pretence
But deep down torn apart I caused you

I thought what I felt
In my heavy chest was real
I thought strong feelings of affection were there,
That it was love

I'm sorry that I was confused mistaking lust
for love

I'm sorry
I'm sorry for everything, but it was time I followed
my heart and became honest with myself for once

It was time I find the one I true love

As they say the cost of not following your heart
Is living a regretful life wishing you had

I'm sorry
But  I had to take the journey of  finding
The one who holds the key to my heart,
The journey of finding true happiness

I hope you too.......find happiness one day*


Taetso Jojo.
The big
Giant serpent
Is still chocking Africa
To a slow
But imminent death
It can not be denied
We are not progressing,
Giant snakes
Take life from us
Our politicians do nothing
But telling lies
"We are all good"
As if Africa is ever free,
They are being used
As shields
That distort the true events,
We can not be free
Unless we see
The binding snake,
Afrika wake up

Taetso Jojo.
Light skinned
Pink lips
Shinny hair
Gloomy smile

Every time I see her
My brain freezes
Fear flows my veins
Butterflies fill
My stomach

My heart
Starts racing
Summer changes
Into winter
My body cold like
I'm swimming
In ices

Its love
That I have
For her
But words
Of expression
Struggle to come out
My mouth.


Taetso JoJo.
I Can't hold these tears anymore
I Don't know whether its still love
Or obsession

I tried moving on,
Erasing you in my memory,
Pretending you no longer exist
But like a tattoo
Your name is somehow needled
In my heart

Images of you
Are painted in my head
I daily day dream bout you,
Thoughts of our first kiss
On that college bench
Haunt me Daily,
It was on the 9th of February
Valentine's week
Lovers month

Every time I'm in a relationship
Its pretence and artificial happiness
Reality says I'll find true happiness not
Unless its you I'm with

Its hard  to forget you
When you gave everything
To remember,
More harder to forget
I once meant something to you
But now nothing

I've never been so lonely,
This pain
I've never felt

You always knew
How to put a smile
On my face

You're that one girl
who felt more than a lover
My heart will always
Have a soft for

You're that one girl
I'll always love

I miss you



Central Africa
Is being used As a war zone
To keep us away from it
As we can naturally
Fall back into the center of Africa
Whenever feeling unsafe
Like they would recede
To Poland and Greenland
In times of great hot need

They think they have us
All pinned down
With puppet black presidents
That get elected by black people
Only to take advise
From Europe and ignore
African voices
It is a masonic ploy
To keep the greenest
Natural garden of Africa
As  war zone
To curtail our movements
And keep us locked up
In small pockets
For the finishing blows

it make no sense
Why the central Africans
Never find their peace
Those green lands
Could be farms
Of food to sell us
And cut high prices
It is a masonic plan
Against Africa
Using trusted leaders

©Taetso JoJo
When I die
Search for me
Among the million silver stars
In the sky,
There in each star you'll find me

When the sun shines
Bright in the blue sky
With birds flying above
Remember am starring at you
From the clouds smiling above

As your skin feels the blowing winds
Of spring
Blowing day and night
Known in them, is evey touch from me

Whenever you miss my face
Just close your eyes slowly
An' there I will be, beside you
Holding your hand
Like all days

©Taetso Jojo.
Water Flows My Cheeks
When I look At You
I See A Happy Past
And What Was Once
A Supposed Future........

Visions of what could
Have been
Keep Flashing
My Head...............

It Hurts To See
That What Could Have Been
Is Now A Broken Glass
Impossible Fix...............

© 2016
Taetso Jojo.
Missing someone badly
{ Girl From Next Door }

The Sweet Sound Of Her Laughter
Hits My Hearts Strings
Warming All Horizon of my heart
With An Unusual Feeling

Her Beauty Is Like A Gentle Flower
From Far Away
Glooming Near the cost
Of River Banks

She Reminds Me Of A heart
I Was Found Refugee

She Reminds me Of Someone
Who Was Once Close To My Heart

© Taetso JoJo.
Daily I Pretend To Be Happy
Writing Romantic Love
Trying To Find Comfort
In Them
Deep Down Torn,
Still Stuck In The Past
My Heart Refuses To Accept
What Is,
I Cry Myself On The Inside
Wearing Artificial Smiles
On The Outside,
I Though She Loved Me
I Loved Her
I Lived For Her
And In The Process
I Lost Myself
Because I Once Loved

©Taetso Jojo.
To you who was once close
To my heart,
This is me speaking my heart
And mind in writing

Its unfortunate that you're gone
Considering the road
We travelled together

We came a long way,
Passed a thousand mountains
And toll gates together
Side by Side as one

Our relationship was strong
But you somehow chose to break it,
I fell for you hoping
You'd pick me up, but instead
You managed to break my heart
Without touching my ribs

I always knew the good side of love
You showed me the bad one
It kills me that you're gone for good,
Not pregnant but developing
A new life, you dumped me
And now I have to recycle myself
To come back a brand new me
Cos I'll never be the same without you
Emotionally Im paralised

I Thought we were soul mates
All I ever wanted was love  
Yet you gave me pain,
I can't say I wont miss you
I'll miss you
I miss you now

Yours Taetso Jojo.

Fallen Angels
Loyal Only
To Their
Master Lucifer
Standing Alongside Him
After Weak
And Innocent Souls
Together Fighting
A Losing War
For In The End
Only Those
In Snow
White gowns

© 2016

Taetso JoJo.
How do I tell her
That for years
I've pretended
To be friends
But every time
I see her
There's something
Heavy growing
In my chest

That feelings
Of affection
Grow stronger
And deeper daily
I can no longer
Hold me

How would it sound
To her
That her smile
Brightens my day
And Whenever
I hold her close
To me
My heart
She's where
I wanna be
For the rest
Of my life

How do I tell her
That for years
I've been slowly
On the inside
When I see her
I'm still dying

How do I say
"You cross
My mind
Now and then
I've always
Been feeling
You were
The piece
To complete me"
To her

Wouldn't it break
Years of friendships
If I expressed
My love
And she don't feel
The same ?

I fear rejection
Would She love me
Like I love her ?
Or break my heart
Like all the others ?

I've always
Loved her
How do I tell her
How do I say
"I love you"

©Taetso Jojo.
His loneliness
Is of a man
Betrayed by the world
Of happiness

Widowed by broken love
He's scattered
Into the land
Of sorrow and pain

It being a windy season
With dust and misery
The winds blow
His direction

Tears dried out
By unending pain
His cry
Is of a lion
loud and full of anger
But no tears

With pride being his weakness,
He pretends to be strong
But deep down
Weak and torn*

Taetso jojo
US { She and I }

Two Doves
By The Lamp
Of God
Feeding In Love
By One Soul
The Day
We Met
In The Skies
The Moon
Lost Its Colour
Turning Pink
Bowed down
In Rejoicing
And rejoiced
In Heavens
What's Meant
To Be


Taetso JoJo.
Darkest Hour
Before Dawn,
Everything is Still
The Universe Asleep
But I'm Wide Awake,
I Hear No Sounds
But Only The Sound
Of My Heart Beat
Beating In Agony,
Whenever I Try to close
My Eyes
All I See Is Memories
Of You
And The History
We Share,
A Happy One
To You
A Painful One
To Me,
So I Decided
To Pay My Journal
A Visit,
Play With Ink
Cos That's Where I Find
It is Not What You Said
But What You Never Said
Tearing Me Apart,
I Always Knew
You'd One Day Leave
And Had Made Peace
With It,
I Just Thought
At least I Was Entitled
To A Goodbye
You Never Said It
You Just Left.....
Now I'm Torn.....

© 2016
Taetso Jojo.

— The End —