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Tanvi Bird Nov 2014
His lips moved closer to hers. His eyes begged, "I need you."

She backed away cautiously. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer to him. He never said a word but looked at her as if with tenderness. With his chest against her body, he gathered her into his arms and kissed her slowly. She stood frozen for the longest minute, before surrendering. She kissed him back, longing flooding her. He told her he had been hurt, and she took him into her embrace and cradled him.

He had arrived one night as she was walking by herself on the beach. She had almost stopped searching. He seemed to be just like her: agitated, sad, pathetic. She hid her own loneliness well, but his was written all over his face.

When she found him, broken and washed upon the shore, she did not realize he would leech onto to her foot. She felt herself drifting into the water, water almost up to her neck - his hand leading the way, but she did not realize that he would leave her there. Suddenly, the water filled her nostrils and her lungs and she was drowning. He was nowhere to be seen.

She looked for him, desperation flooding her stomach, her chest overflowing with sorrow- more so than the water filling her lungs. She searched for him frantically. She could not understand that he was gone.

She felt sadness overcoming her, and she struggled to keep her head up. It engulfed her as she collapsed into the abyss. She sunk to the very bottom, sea creatures passing by her as she sunk. She lay on the bottom of the ocean, but she could not stand up, nor could she breathe, nor could she die.

She stayed their for the longest time, clutching her heart and her stomach, as if she would throw up her insides if she didn't hold them in. She cried, but no one noticed in the deep waters of the ocean. She wanted someone to save her, but no one noticed as she put up her hand. She wanted to die, but even death did not pity her.

After a long time, the water parted and dried up slowly. The animals left, following the tide into the deep ocean and so did the plants. She lay there on sand, her hand cradling her stomach, while the moon watched over her. Soon the moon also left her, and she was alone.

There was no sun, no moon, no stars. Nothing shone. In the darkness, she still lay, unable to get up. All of her strength and stubbornness willed her to keep trying to stand, but it was as if she had polio: she could not move.

At last one day, she slowly sat up. She looked ahead and saw the water which had once engulfed her at a distance. It left her alive, as if she was not even worth killing. She stared at it for a long time, her eyes sadly missing him. One day she found the strength to stand up. She stood there, naked, her clothes ripped from her body, as if emotionally ***** and ******* over and again in her life.

She had not planned to trust again, but when she found him she thought she had found another side of herself. Little did she know that he used her and left when he realized that she was not what he wanted. He wanted to master her, to win her-- and when she finally succomed, he realized that he wanted something better-- which she could not provide.

I close my eyes, the heavy comforter draped around me  so securely I might as well be in your embrace. You hold me tight, gather your arms around my waist. You apologize for making the mistake of ending what we had. You tell me you realized that you are madly in love with me, that we must find a way to be together.  You squeeze me so tight, and I wrap my arms around you and we lay there.

This dream can only last a minute, each time shorter and shorter as reality floods through me. Slowly, you slip out of my arms. You're laughing in the night air, kissing new girls. They are laying in your bed, cradling you as you tell them you need them. You lay against the warmth of their *******, while they nurture you. They take you inside them as you lie there like a small, whimpering child that needs to be taken care of. Night after night, there is new laughter in the air- each woman you meet becomes your shield, your protector, your mother. You **** them with your small *****. You tell them ***** thoughts and they respond with the ones you want to hear. You are no longer mine- you never were. You just needed to be taken care of for a night when you were lonely, you needed to be cradled and I- like a fool, found the motherly side in me and took you to my breast. When morning came, you awoke in another bed, on another breast, and you no longer needed me. Confused and abandoned, I searched for you and found you laughing in the night air, another Scarlet Johansson or Marilyn Monroe taking you in for the evening.

What do we all look for in life? Lau once posted this by Chitrabanu:

"We need love. It is the food of the soul, we cannot live without it. Love is not planning, it is not remembering. It exists only in the present moment. In love, there is no desire to hold, possess, or bind. To hold on to someone or something else is to disconnect from oneself. In disconnecting from yourself, you disconnect from the present moment, because your energy is used on the future. In this way, the experience of life, of love is slipping through your fingers. When you begin to see this very subtle point, you come to know that love has nothing to do with the past or the future.

Love is to just be. It means to be in communion. You can be in communion with any being that communicates and builds some kind of feeling and harmony with you. You can be in love with a plant, a child, an animal, a grandmother, a villager, a simpleton. It is possessing nothing, only being present in that moment, feeling and communicating with life in different forms.

In the same way, you experience this unconditional love with your own Self. You are in tune with yourself. When a person is in love, he does not hold anything back. He pours all his treasure without reserve. He does not say, "If I keep it, it will be useful one day." No, he says, "Here is the day, let me live it." You create this experience each day and turn it into your life style. In this way, you will no longer sadden your day with future thoughts and worries. Your living will be here and now with love."

Here is another by Tom Robbins, "When we're incomplete, we're always searching for somebody to complete us. When, after a few years or a few months of a relationship, we find that we're still unfulfilled, we blame our partners and take up with somebody more promising. This can go on and on--series polygamy--until we admit that while a partner can add sweet dimensions to our lives, we, each of us, are responsible for our own fulfillment. Nobody else can provide it for us, and to believe otherwise is to delude ourselves dangerously and to program for eventual failure every relationship we enter.”

All true, wise words. When I went through what I went through as a child, I always hoped for better things in life. In college, my girlfriends and I comforted each other by saying that one day we will be this or that. We never realized that hope- is just that. Nothing more. While you have have a great inner strength that is capable of challenging even gravity, while you can push your limits and change and adapt yourself in ways you never thought possible-- some things are just given to you sheer luck, or some may even say God's blessing. No matter if you can change the air the wind blows and the tide-- there are still some things which must be granted to you by the mercy and grace of the universe- and if you are not in the lucky 20% of the world, you will not get it. We all have a quest. We seek to fulfill ourselves through the spark and comfort of a special stranger. We long for that understanding person to finally enter our lives and to endure the world with us together.

I wanted him to understand me. I thought because he was broken like me- he would understand me. First he told me that I was not like him, that I was not philosophical enough- that I was too simple. I quickly attempted to show him the deeper recesses of myself. He was not a camel that could be led. What he saw frightened him, he refused to see. He left.

We all think we want someone that understands us. Then I realized that no one could understand me, if I did not first understand myself. Perhaps it is not understanding that we need-- perhaps we need someone that we are mutually attracted to, to consider us important enough to be patient with us. Once during an interview, Justin Timberlake said to Ellen about Jessica Biel, "Sometimes I stare at her when she is unaware. This is when she is the most beautiful-- when she is unguarded, un-noticing, just carrying about her day and I observe small things about her."

I don't need someone to understand me. It's not possible. I don't want someone to come to conclusions about what I am-- even I don't know myself fully and I am constantly being shaped by situations that I encounter. What I want is a person who is awesome enough to be gentle- to watch without making observations-- without needing to relate opinions, instead simply to care enough to just watch. And if we don't agree upon something-- to love me enough to compromise. To be gentle enough to pull me into his warmth and keep me secure. To be man enough to bring out the woman in me.

As an independant strong victim of the scars of life, I tend to combat everything myself. It would be wonderful to fall into the embrace of a man who can take care of me. I want someone who never gives up on me-- who finds me worthy enough to teach me and reconsider me. I want a man who doesn't need me-- but wants me more for what good he has learned about me. I want a man who is so secure in himself, that once he has loved me, he doesn't question greener-seeming pastures. My heart aches, and I am lonely. As easy as it is to fall into the arms of the wrong guy, my heart is worth enough and I am deserving enough to face the quest alone until the prize is won.

Many times I have met men who seem so much like the right key-- who fit into lock, but these keys have never turned and opened. I want the one who is meant for me. For him I will wait.
Megan Yocom Feb 2018
When I was 19 I was pregnant and lost my first baby when I was 22 I was pregnant with my husband found out it was a tubal pregnancy. Found out the odds of me carrying we're slim to none and if I did the baby would be dead or another tubal and would die anyways. I succomed myself to this fate. I became ok with it just being me. I don't want children anyways 26 I thought something was wrong I went to the doctor found out I was pregnant it attached just barely in the right place yet I had plecenta previa in the process. I felt betrayed by my own body felt this foreign object growing inside me was a parasite why. I was ok with me. Why did it have to be like this. Slowly as it grew I started to change my mind. I started to fall in love. It would kick me in the night and I grew accustomed to its tiny little fluttering. It was mine all I didn't know what love was. Yet there was a promblem. I wanted so much more for it than I could give. I wanted it with me always yo love on to cherrish but i knew this wasn't about me it was about what was best for it. Then the day came who was it going to be her or him. He was so beautiful seeing him n the screen watching him move. I decided then I had to give him to someone who can give him everything I can't. I would never not be there still but I couldn't povide for him the way he needed I couldn't give him stability. My own issues would project on to this innocent little defensless child and there was nothing I could do. 8 months later I woke in a pool of blood. Two days later my son came into this world I had him then I gave him up. You don't have to own someone to love them. Open adoption is a beautiful thing but my son is always 4 hours away from me and not a moment goes by when I don't miss him. I can't have any more childern doctors were fearful about how close I came to bleeding and although I signed the papers to get fixed they agreed that it was a good decision the likely hood of me having another child safely was too risky. I almost died bringing him into this world but I would died a million times to do it again...I love you still and everything I do is for you always.
Stephanie Lynn Apr 2014
is it too much to admit that I find myself drowning in an ocean of dreams every time I am in your presence
is to too much to ask for a tad moment of your time so that I can become lost in your consuming
is it too much to wonder how life would be if you were apart of my future promising me every little girl's dream
is it too much to love you so truly that my adoration is borderline obsession and I just cannot get enough
is it too much to find myself losing grip on reality when all I can think of is loving caring admiring being with you

lucky to be lost in your presence
cursed to be succomed in your gaze
lost in time that seems but a dream
when you believe friends is enough
i am hopelessly subdued into *you
I'll never tell.

(C) Maxwell 2014
To thirst for the infinite
Only proves infinity.
As I try to fight this feeling
I know all things must end

I dream of the Serpent
That I've slain the Mighty Lion,
Solved the Mystery
of all mysteries
Just to set this world on fire

What occurs above
so reflects below
Knuckle under thumb
Hand across your throat

I dreamt an angel sounded his trumpet
A great star, blazing like a torch
fell from the sky to poison the water.
And its name is Wormwood.
And the waters turned to bitter,
People dying from the thirst
I sat in judgment Heart unmoving
Sipping bitters of wormwood
Wormwood ×3

Sit and watch as the world burns
Seas are boiling as they churn
Like the bile deep inside
Ashes falling before my eyes
In the streets people cry
On their knees looking to the sky
All around their churches burning
Wormwood set their world afire
Am I awake
or really dreaming
Am I alive
Or Am I deceased
Have I succomed
To this believing
That all beginnings
Must have  an end
Am I here now
In this void
Or home safe
Asleep in bed
This nightmare
Feels so real
Fogging up my head
All this suffering
Pain and Gore
As five points
Become one
I stand now
On the shore
A sea of madness
I've come undone
I've come undone
I've come undone
I've come undone

Awaken in the dark
Struggling to breath
Heart racing
Thumping pulse
Terrible thoughts
And lack of sleep
Blinded by dark
You control your panic
As you gain your faculties
You hear your own voice whispering

You are not alone.
ZACK GRAM Mar 2021
I have failed
The crys are going dry
I want to die
I cant stand life

I'm ashamed
I weep till I sleep
Wishing for death
Praying this ends

The pain is constant
Things are blurry
This can't be real
I hate the way I feel

Begging the rope breaks
As I hang in the balance
Succomed to a fate urelinquished
As my story's never told

People make me sick
I have never been loved
My story ends afraid .. alone
For I have no home to call my own

All I want is to feel your touch
Hear your words
Believe in your guidance
To be understood

The hate hurts
The distance burdens
The disgust barrages
The dust never settles

Bury me with my words
Bury me with my vanquish
Bury me unloved
Because I have failed

Dear Lord why do I amount to nothing
What have I done to deserve
What have I done to feel
What have I done in life
To be banished in this hell

Save me father
Let the willow sulk
The birds silent
As I pass away to these words

I give up
I give in
No more will this pain
Feed into my sin

The worry soaks thru my skin
Masking a force
A force unseen
A force of unwanted
Save me from this darkness

I just want to be loved
Death note
Jill Tait Aug 2020
I stare at the shadowy corner of my room.. My senses are aroused as I inhale a whiff of your perfume..and amidst the streaky, spangled light I see a strange phenomena.. a ghostly sight..

A blurry ball cloudy and opaque.. my eyes are focussed tho this is vague..Can it be a spiritual orb I espy ? within filmy fuzziness I hear a sigh..alas Oh such a sorrowfulness, mournful..meloncholy cry.. Unintentionally I wipe a teardrop dry

My dearest Mother I know that this is you.. your spirit has appeared out of the blue.. but you told me years ago that this is what you would do.. when life on earth had succomed you..Well I speak to my Mother without any hestitation.. and I thank her most kindly for her visitation.. I witter on with whispering words about this and that and silly absurds..

Yet there in my moment of magnitude..with my mindfulness mellowed.. I understood..My Mother had never ever left my side.. yes her shell had vanished so she could hide.. but her spiritual soul would always stay with me in the shape of an orb so I could see..

— The End —