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SMP Jan 2013
Sailing saints with bloodied hearts,
Starting strifes without good tide,
Kingdoms crumble,
Buildings fall,
Who will end up with it all?

The hearts so strong,
Sturn, quiet, hearts of gold.

The diamonds so open,
Bright eyes, flirting words and wondering hands.

The spades so wise,
Fighting, Fighting, buying time.

The clubs so blind,
Driven, Driven by blood and greed, but is that what you really need?

Kingdoms crumble,
Buildings fall,
Who will end up with it all?

The king was ill,
The Queen is strong,
Forced once to face her fall.

The Jack is wise,
The Joker mild,
Flags of war are not their style.

Peastant children taught to rule,
Mixed blood is strongest,
Spades is not the land of fools.

Four kindoms strong,
Balance long,
Will it ever be all gone?
I need to stop reading fanfiction
James Riddle Feb 2014
Sitting on the widows peek
she waits for me week after week
not know when or if I'm coming home
wondering if she is alone

Out at see I sail the waves
searching for my soul, I save
never in my life I feared
the fear I felt right here

The seas, they thrash
as the skys turn grey
into the eye we sail with craze
a storm is coming our way

Fighting the storm from bow to sturn
suddenly the winds, they turned
tossing us to and fro
into a malstrom we now go

Now the seas, they are calm
as the tide washes in
the sad widow now sees
the seas, they run red.

— The End —