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Mildred Sim Apr 2017
you were a jerking ripple
to the tranquility of stilled waters
a wind that slaughters
sturdied barks *******

you invaded the dead of the night
and occupied home within my thoughts
I try to draw the dots
like constellations that rewrite  

what could have, would have -
oh what a fallible attempt of a retaliation
that made no mention
of the wails of the stars; where I gave

the unanswered Okay
that you robbed and thieved away
Marty Jan 2021
Baby's screams and silent tears.
Rooms filled with empty fears.
Deathly silence flooding the night.
Blackness of night obscuring sight.

The golden curse killing dreams.
As the world splits at the seams.
Falling deep into nothingness.
Little left, but the devils witness.

Baby's screams left unheard.
As the passion of love is deterred.
Baby's screams
And the glow of the beam.

Find your flowing bed.
Sturdied by the mysterious dead.
Child Stay your course.
And ride the winged horse

— The End —