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Ann Williams Ms Feb 2017
Snow on the far heights spills over
their shoulders, drops down to feed
deep streams crossing wide moorland,

where wind-blown trees whisper, overtopping
tangles of grass, and outcrops of stone
break through bramble and barren thorn.

Easily over the pathless land
she comes, on a waning moon, clasping
a grey cloak at her white throat.

Raven sits on a branch above
shapeless stone, stropping his beak;
he and she are akin, a merry meeting.

‘Well-met, brother – whence are you come
with your beak all ****** from breaking your fast?
What word do you bring from the world of men?’

He turns his bright eye towards her:
‘Battle is joined in the world below,
from all peoples men are mustered,

enough for us all, even the eagles,
nor need we vie with the grey wolf;
the feast is spread to feed us all.

Blow up your fire, sister, boil your cauldron;
a heavy harvest will fill your hall.’
She smiles, and makes for the autumn woods

where, below the moor, the turning trees
dwindle in dusk as their bright burden
burns away.
(after Thorbjorn Hornklofi’s Lay of Harald Fairhair)
Fidel Aug 2022
I just want you to want me, hold me, love me
The way you did, the way you did the night I fell in love.

Should the sky fall, the sun burst, the oceans wither—
I’ll be here ready to have our final dance together.

Sometimes at night I feel blue, could be the cold, alcohol or lack of you,
But the night you made me red, I had never been so happy to be embarrassed,
Because the butterflies, the heat and the surprise of your love,
Mean more to me than your nights of insomnia, smoke and stropping.

When the heavens fall and you find yourself being pulled down,
When dark clouds cease your air while you gape for survival,
When your cup runs dry and you see the reflection of your broken self,
I’ll be home, home wishing you’d call.

… text, signal, fall into my arms.

— The End —