What happens when you realize,
That this is the wrong lifetime?
That you missed yours somehow.
That this life is essentially the waiting room for the next.
When you lose a dream.
When you realize that no matter how hard you try,
Life will continue to fall down around you.
Do you just get up and keep going?
Maintain the staus quo?
Try harder?
What if you miss the next life too?
What then?
How many lifetimes does one soul get?
How many to get it right?
To reach the goal, the finish line?
Is it fate, destiny that decides,
Or is it we that make the decision?
In that shadowy world between death and rebirth,
Is it we who choose when to re-enter this realm?
And if so, what happens when you realize.....
That this is the wrong lifetime....
That you missed yours somehow....
What happens?