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They unite!

The swish swish sound of snowpants as sure thighs stride
The crunch of wet snow under boots
The disobedient strands of hair escaped  from her mother's tightly braided handiwork
Whipping about according to the wind's will
Runny nose, watering blue eyes, and cheeks reddened to a rosy apple glow by winter's puppy dog nip

Intent on a snowfort and snow angel mission
With no break taken except to quench a thirst once in a while
Eyes close and mittens lift the glorious white mannah
Tongue and mouth delight in the taste of winter that the snow carries deep within her hold
Could any wonder be more beautiful than the bliss of an eight year old on a storm day?
Christie Clarke May 2014
Snow falls briskly,
Only for the wind to sweep it aside,
It's stuck it in sway,
The motions of the breeze only sweep it by.

After a snowfall,
The only sounds heard are crunch,
footprints, shovels, laughter of children.

Reminding me of childhood memories.

Snowballs, Snowforts,
It's soon time for all this to end.

Soon time for bonfires with friends,
Beaches, campfire tales.

Who knows what this adventure called life,
Has to entail.

My mind wanders to another place,
A place where your smile is my grace.

In that moment where I wanna hide,
Somehow, I don't know why,
But I'm able to let youh inside.

To me this is new,
I guess youh could say not your average spew.

I guess it's youh,

I feel as if i'm on a higher plain,
It's almost as if youh take my pain.

On new wings,
Soaring through the air,

Past old things,
And the new,

Where will this lead me to?

I hope youh stay awhile.

Because no matter how i'm feeling,
With youh there I never cease to smile.

Good memories,

With youh in my mind,
It's a pleasant place.
It warms me with your grace.

My darling,
My dear,
Stay near.

With me,
Hidden, and safe.

Don't disappear.

— The End —