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Cliffy Buglione Apr 2014
You grind
   my yellow cactus
Like an asphalt pomegranite
You slime into my universe
  Like you are not of this planet
You guage my tumbling body

Many fireworks try to chameleon
   The colors bright
But you enter my daytime tea
Like you are of the nite
2 men ******* and you blame the doctor

By spoken word transmits you to lay
Under the gun of my evolution ladder
Sniding God for the interlude in which you play
Screaming geese beckon to your strange turning psychosis
I have all these ribbons and sellotape

I suppose there are many radios in Spain
I guess that my jive-box is a measurement of pain
Tourists chat and snap poloroids
Just a normal day.
David R Aug 2021
Oh ** ** ** ** ** **. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
that's all they ever say,
** ** ** ** ** ** **. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
every ---*- day!

It's enough to make the snail retreat
curl up in his shell
Wishes he'd taken another street
devoid of laughs of hell

Oh ** ** ** ** ** **. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
he hears it every day
** ** ** ** ** ** **. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
chokes his life away

the pointing and the snigger
the staring and contempt
the pulling of the trigger
that starts the spirit's ascent

Oh ** ** ** ** ** **. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
** ** ** ** ** ** **. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Oh ** ** ** ** ** **. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
** ** ** ** ** ** **. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

but when you start to figure
the emptiness that's there
beneath the little snigger
beneath the look and stare

the absence of all lucid thought
or vestige of intelligence
as alcoholics of red port
lolling with belligerence

might gasconade or fulminate
devoid o' logical thinking
in egregious display of hate
of self in wanton drinking

then you start to wonder
who's the bigger fool
it's you for going under
from taunt or ridicule

so next when you encounter
the sniding, sneering crack
don't let it be a downer
just straighten up your back

there's nothing there to mind
save the empty air
that fills the deaf and blind
to soul divine and rare

so throw back your head and laugh
at the silliness in the scare
and watch the devil flee like chaff
like deer in headlight glare

Oh ** ** ** ** ** **. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
** ** ** ** ** ** **. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Oh ** ** ** ** ** **. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
** ** ** ** ** ** **. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
BLT's Merriam-Webster Word of The Day Challenge
#loll, gasconade, egregious, lucid, vestige, fulminate
amit chaudhari Oct 2019
The vicious lava gushed like fire as it spewed from a mountain’s vent
When the fury mollified, carved on you was god’s word we call the covenant

Sierra you were at times, a rock, pebble or a boulder
Lofty palaces with all their pride perched atop your shoulder

Cultures shared their thoughts with you and profound markings did you bear
Reposing their trust and narrating to progeny the glorious days that were once there

A lost soul wandering fearfully in the lands with no one by his side
Yearningly he looked up to you and wisely did you guide

You instill courage even in the puniest beings, for as the fable goes
When faced with the mighty Goliath, pebbles were all that David chose

People happily etched you when life was conceived by a womb
Also, when they departed you solemnly marked their tomb

They cut you, polished your contours to take pride in their arrows and spear
Used you mercilessly on the battle field but finally they also lost their dear

Exquisite carvings you did give to them to adorn their courts, parapet and ledge
The sculptor humbly said that you were always there and that he simply chipped the edge

But spiritually you were mocked as lifeless and this is for all to see
It is only when God graced your idol did mankind bow to thee

Through the ages you stood with contempt on the royal yard sniding at the aisle
In the end, your conceit lay scattered in dust as sands of time cut your profile

For it is early that one must realize and for one’s sins atone
As time and tide are known to have callous hearts of stone

— The End —