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Timothy Zero Dec 2021
Snow thinks it's sound
go on and fill the woods with me,
spread me evenly. My harness is burdensome
Without it though, I no longer see for miles
I fall into the darkest sleep dreaming of nuclear flakes
that take my vitality.

His mistake is the village, the burning frame of the farmhouse.
The harness drowned in the bones of the old horse.
I drank it all too easily.
Little years go by and back to the woods where I am evened
up by miles. Spread thin...

The darkest sleep dreaming still even though I am not here. triple helix and extra isotopes taint the touch.

Stop this and know how deep it goes.
The little bell that lays on the ground,
it tolls. He is his.
Snow thinks it's sound. It's, its.

How deep before we watch?
How many fathoms before I dream?
Before I disappear?

Only the shake of the bell
will keep it's promise.
KorbydAngyle Feb 2021
Live Into The Dreams

We are forsaken souls standing
front to back mirrored autonomic unethical
askance due our survival yet tasting our deaths
Humanity dear and precious
yet too soldering
hacking waste of life climbing vines of sinicism...
Godly freedom is not a parallel to our own
its the world we built/ it did deform
Caskets alive opening and closing with the wind
What spirits lay inside/ if a young catholic girl finds,
only sardonic vesseled fiery Gin

It spills the night ultrasulphonic descent
waterfalls from a Heaven's restrain
bodies and dreams all set to pretend
Decisive dreams on hold till depression
When you stare sapphire green to black
startling lights fleeing homes and countries stitch
the ominous love of the clods and clovers of the 6 leaf black
Now! I am alone and the irony melts away now inside forever
I am able to sell the dream that we now know is betrayed
we are Belial

— The End —