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orchards Nov 2015
shibumi, bruised eyelids, loitering on the pedway

flickering between hellish
concrete and clear air,
clutching an unraveling yarn
of smoke in her mouth

waiting in front of the liquor store
for her man

and mouthing to his back as he turns,

"i love you; i love you, stay inside"
Kurt Philip Behm Oct 2018
“I drive people away,
  that’s what I do
To stay away
  myself renewed”

My life was meant
To be lived alone
In spite of what
You think you know
Inside myself
My only home
Whose armor never
Chinks when ******

My life bereft
I know to you
Seems lonely  
Often misconstrued
But joy from heaven
Unto myself
Lives unrestrained

“If I drove you away, please take heart,
  my back was turned to all
To die alone, my most fervent wish
   —with no one left to call”

(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2014)

— The End —