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Jasmine Mar 2016
I wake up at 4 am every day just so I can see the sun rise
I look out my window at 6 pm so I can see it go back, set, rest
I marvel at its grandeur and I muse over how the universe can draw Breath and contain such a thing
You, my love, are my Sun

I watch the moon go through all its phases - new moon, first quarter, full moon, third quarter
I think about change; I think about its beauty, its air of mystery
I recall those articles I used to read about how the moon only shows you one side- the near side, from Earth
I ponder on all the reasons why the human race goes through all the trouble just to see its other side
You, my love, are my Moon

I look at the stars and get lost
I try to fathom all the reasons why they exist so close, yet so far away  
I attempt to conjure all the possibilities of a night without them
I think of what it would be like to lose sight of the only thing that keeps us connected to the unknown and the unexplored, the beautiful
I look at the stars and think, YES, they are the windows to the universe
You, my love, are my Stars

I think of you, I think of me, I think of us
I think of all the infinities between you and me and the truth jampacked in just three words, in just eight letters
I love you, merely words coming from my finite being meant to transcend all that there is
We are the universe

Shekh ma skieraki anni
Until the sun rises in the west and sets in the east,
Until the rivers run dry, and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves
I will love you, I will always love you
Perhaps I always did

— The End —