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wendy maqwazima Apr 2016
This isn't the freedom I want to call freedom...
because this freedom isn't the freedom our great freedom fighters died for in the Years of apartheid.
This freedom is not the same freedom the generation of 1985 wished for and and dreamed of...

freedom died along with our long gone heroes,Nelson Mandela, Walter susilu and died with our young brothers and sisters in sharpville!

it isn't freedom if we are still afraid to walk out of our houses at 6am
it is not freedom if we can't let go of what the white men did to our black men and woman

this freedom isn't the freedom defined in Oxford dictionaries....
children are free to smoke
men are free to ****
woman are free sell their bodies
and we yet we are free?

this freedom isn't free!

we are not free because we are racist
we are selfish
we are foolish
we lack knowledge and we are full of ignorance!

we are not free,this isn't the time to celebrate freedom but to fight for the freedom we've lost.
wendy maqwazima Aug 2015
instead of making them feel at home
we are telling them to go back home
have we got no shame calling our brothers and sisters foreigners in their own motherland?

what happened to Ubuntu?
umntu ngu mntu ngabantu?
has the long walk to freedom not been walk for us?

there will be no freedom in Africa if we still believe in brutality rather than humanity
there will be no freedom in Africa if  don't understand the meaning of struggle, poverty

yesterday we were crying for freedom
praising and promoting the spirit of togetherness,today we stone the same African brother who held our hands in the years of apartheid and gave us hope!

why do we have to be so cruel not so fucken cool!
Nelson Mandela did not die for this!
Walter sisulu did not die for this!
our black brothers and sisters in sharpville did not die for this!

where did it all go wrong?

we claim to be the land of peace yet we do not know the meaning of forgiveness
we claim to be the land of great leaders and born dreamers yet we do not know   the meaning of Ubuntu!

I am not proud of what this land has become....
ManCity7 May 2013
Let the light shine
not dark like a mine
it makes you as thick as wine
shines bright like a diamond
it makes you feel like almonds

fear the devil
he is so evil
he is just like sharpville
he drags you underground
till you make a funny sound

let the light shine
not dark just like a mine

— The End —