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dennis gunsteen Nov 2010
a thank giveing wish to
to all the heros ,
that help people
shareing the love of peace
to men women that fight
for this country to make it safe.
god bless you an family
on this thank giveing day.
an also the men an women,
that  fight crime on the street.
god bless you, men women
you bring renewal   hope
for peace,understanding.
to the street.
shareing the love peace
special gift.
thank you.
on this thank giveing day
shareing time with other .
when sad an lost in this world.
thankgiveing  is
telling someone
you love them
for they are.
thakgiveing is
shareing the love peace an hope.
thankgiveing is
bring joy too one life
alway helping other in time of need
rain or shine.
thank you
everyone for bring new hope
toward life.
help the sick an poor.
on this thank giveing day.
an also.
god bless the world for peace.
an stop the hate share love peace.
to bring new hope to children of this world.
just by  saying  thank you
for helping people
that what giveing about.
saying thankyou
help other in need.
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
couple hour  aday  shareing
shareing your time.
what is this
be strong be strong i tell
my as min tick by an by
couple hour a day
alway say  i love you
i love  you .
we are like to ship that pass
in the night .
where  is the home for
heart .
is this   a true a true love
i have no home
for my heart
but i  do love you so
much so much .
the couple hour a day mean
world to me.
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
little one cheer up.
life is pure an warm.
be strong little one.
some time people
say bad thing to
other people.
listen little one?
1. you are  good person an have good heart
2. people love you for you.
3. important share love understanding to other.
4. stand tall be self.
5. yes let people  know they are wrong at time ,but in nice way,not in bad way.
6. be brave an be strong toward goals in  life.
7. do whats important for you find a  hobby that you like, ride a bike
write story or poems, help people meet there goal, or shareing your
time   with someone that sad help them over the  hurt .
8. it ok to reach out for help an talk to ,dad, friends
everyone  get  sad some at  time. this is life we have high  an lows piont.
in life . we just pick up the pieces an go on. self . and love other.
10. when loveing  someone set them  free at time.
so little one true love  is true when bird fly home again.
11. respect your self for how you are.
so little  one the   world is a big place .
be happy not sad .
on this road call life
share the love of peace
share time with other.
let people know you care
my little angels of life.
you are my  flower of life.
respect your self an other.
little one cheer up  life

dennis gunsteen Nov 2010
christmas wishes to the world
god bless you an your family on christmas day.
thankyou for helping poor an sick on this christmas day.
may all children of world be bless with all riches of joy
an happiness on this christmas day.
lets share the love of  peace  an joy on this christmas day.
To gods special angels, to the men an women.
that fight  for are freedom and fight  for  peace every day.
keeping us safe from  harm, thankyou,
very very much!!
you   are the  true heros on christmas day
god bless you and  your  family on this christmas day.
this  world is  a wonderful place ,
and so are the   people.
can we share the love of  peace, on this christmas day.
an build a world of peace in are  hearts,
by  share the love of peace.
on this  christmas  day.
by shareing are love for one  another.
as we  walk this road in life.
lets  share are love of  peace for the children
of this world.
by building  a world peace , one brick at time.
yes we can!! build a world of peace,
an share the love of peace,
let give peace a chance.
on this Christmas day.
to the world let stop the  hate,  let share the love of peace.
with one another.
on this Christmas day.
as then Christmas wishes to the whole world an family of this  world.
merry Christmas.
may god alway bring  endless joy
and peace to  your  life .
an walk with peaceful hearts,
never hate in your hearts
an alway  share love of peace in hearts.
for the  world and the people of this world.
to build a better world for the children,
of this world
an let  share the love of peace in are daily life,
with  one another .
most  greatest gift one  give
in one life.
is bring endless joy of peace to
one life.
to my brother my sister of this
how can i help you  my friend,
i love you  for you my friend.
lets   share the love of peace,
in are  hearts, for one another.
and build a world of peace
as we walk and  travel these roads
in life.
an bring a smile to child
face is truly  joy to see.
on this Christmas day.
god bless  every one
in world .
build a world peace and
walk peace in your daily life.
lets share the love of peace ,
as we travel these road in life,
lets share are love of peace.
to one another in are daily life.
is most  greatest gift in life .
we can  give to one another in life,
is love an peace,
in are life.
so merry Christmas  world.
may god alway bless you  as travel
these roads in life.
share the love of peace .
dennis gunsteen Nov 2010
joy to all wonderful christmas time
christmas should be every day.
to share love of peace joy
an happyness.
feed the hunry every day.
share your time with other.
stop fighting an share the love of peace.
it not hard to say i love my friend.
for who you are as person .
every one have own ideal in life.
try too learn joy of peace an love.
an help the  children  learn what to love
an peace is all about.
dennis gunsteen Nov 2010
father please for give of there sin.
I"LL  tell you this   my children
i'll bring all joy of happyness in there hearts.
dry those tears pain  ,
walk with peace in your hearts.
an fear not my children.
i will hold your  hand as we walk this road life.
a true heart in life,  will show path in life.
you are light my brother my sister.
walk with true heart.
walk with peace in your heart.
walk brave an tall.
alway help your brother an sister
in this world.
all love your brother an sister in this world.
show people  true way in life.
is shareing the love of peace.
share the love of peace share time with other.
we don't wars ,
we don't need  to hurt one another .
we need to help one another  in are  daily life.
we need to build a world of peace.
an teach young the true  understand
of life .
every one in this world is a true gift to
this land this world.
true love is about care for people,
an shareing the love peace.
true  meaning of life is share the love
peace.share one knowledge in this world.
father  i hear children cry in the night!
i'll tell all this
young one's of this world  ,
fear not little one's
build your world of peace.
share love of peace.
walk with peace with your  brother my sister
of this world.
you  are the light of this world.
you are my heart soul ,
you my life .
please my children
stop!! stop!!
hurting your brother your sister
stop hate !!
stop this war!!
start careing for your brother your sister
share the love of peace
an build a world of peace.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
true wisdom of a prophet
is true in heart mind  body.
and soul.
like a  drop of water
in the knowledge of life
as  then ripple appear,
in water of  life.
he shareing this love of peace,
to whole world,an life
he love men women
an children of this world.
shareing the love peace,
at no cost no price .
with no greed in his heart
for wealth.
only true prophet share he's love
for the world
and the people of the world.
with a true heart of love for people
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
01 alway teaches hate an war
01 alway show love for people,
country,love people for who they
an walk with peace in there life.
o2. never  show true peace for the world
02.  alway what people happy
in the world an walk with peace.
an  joy in there heart,never sadness
03. alway make a children cry
in sleep at night.
03. want a child grow up healthy
strong,never sadness in his or her
04. alway have greed  in his heart for wealth.
04 .never walk with greed in his heart.
alway shareing he wealth an money an food.
05. never feed the poor &
build good home for it people,
05 .try to find way to feed the help the sick an  hungry
of the world.
06 alway  bring sadness to people heart.
06 alway want people to be happy,
in life an walk peace his or her heart.
never sadness.
07. never any peace land
an for his people.
never want war not even
hurt one another in
world to be peaceful
in life,
an happy for other in life.
alway want have god there life
an walk with peace elping one
another in life.
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
wow!!! my grammer poor
sorry rich person
my grammer poor an
i'am poor .that's shareing
the love of hope.
an understanding in life
have no money not even
dime. an no
social skill.
because my grammer
poor an i'am poor.
i'am nice  i give last
dime from my pocket.
to feed that child
on street once again.
because my grammer
poor an i'am poor.
sorry rich person
for being blind.
because grammer
so poor.
an i'am poor
because have no skill.
because i'am poor.
dennis gunsteen Jun 2010
we don't need wars
we need to share the love.
peace my brother my sister.
i'am flower child of  past.
that shareing the love.
helping that child on street.
help sick  an  poor
an that old man find his.
way home from the street.
just share the love. my man!
teach  the children of street.
teach the young wright from wrong.
that we have peace our.
heart for other.
on the street an  to better
are world with peace in are heart.
by help each  other.
to have peace on the street.
and in are heart.
man  up
man up
every one
for the peaceful world.
an people love children of street
man up for  peace
every one
man up for peace.
every one
children of street.
man up for peace.
people love you.
for you. find
peace heart.
people love you
children of the street.
man up! for peace
every one.
chris miller Jan 2010
ok so i really dont want to share this one cause i was really depressed and angry with myself. but i feel that its work shareing because when i read  feel so much and it has a good flow. i hope you like  and i am ok dont  think im depressed now because im not.   oh and i say **** alot!

what the **** is happening
what the **** is wrong
why do you play games
you heartless *****

you can go  **** yourself
and die, die in my arms
for all you do is hate

you set me up to fail
but the ****** up thing is

          your me
dennis gunsteen Nov 2010
the prophet said killing
one self .
doesn't give you nor no one
the keys  to  heaven.
it only put you in  the abyss of hell.

as then prophet spoke.
because you cause terror.
in every child life.
by hurting one another people.
you don't bring  joy
nor laughter.
to child life only fear
an tears as child
cry him self or her self
to sleep at night.

as then prophet said
my heart so sad.
my flower of life.
my people my family.
i  teach of pureness
an wholeness for
one life.
gentle love of peace.
an shareing the love.
that what i'am about
love joy,an peace.

as then prophet said.
i preach of goodness .
in the heart of men an women.
a pure heart is  true love of  are  god.
walk with peace in heart.
help poor an sick.
share the love peace.
help brother sister of the world.
this is  a true heart of love.

as then said  prophet
people causeing  terror
in this world .
will go to the abyss
hell .
change way in life
my brother my sister
share the love of peace.
dennis gunsteen Oct 2010
true love
a true gift in life.
to care an love
for some one.
for who  they are,
an say
i'll be there every step
of the way.
in time of need
my friend.
because i love you.
an every one love you
for  your warm
smile that bring joy to people
an share laughter
to other an bring joy
to there little  world.
an cry no more you have
friend and because   i love for you,
for who are
a wonder person that
bring  joy an happyness  
to people life.
we brother in sister in life
we need this love a true love
of careing an shareing.
this true love.
going out away to help people
careing is loveing helping is love
true love  got your back
as you walk this road in life.
you never alone because
people love you for you.
because share love
understanding the world
around you.
is true love hope an joy.
true  love is power of hope
an joy .
true love is care
true  love respect for other
true love is share one knowledge
about life.
true love is peace
you have power to share
the world.
an share love toward other.
a true gift in life.
dennis gunsteen Dec 2010
greedy people god have no
time for you.
when someone wealthy
he love the poor.
he or she share  the wealth.
to help the poor the sick.
greedy people don't care
not even poor nor sick.
they only care about  makeing a buck.
to feed  hunger for wealth.
by hurting people making
sick, gain there wealth.
one should be please to help
the poor sick in world .
not harming people
for wealth.
alway help the sick an poor
in life that are job to people
the best we can.
god love people that help the poor.
so start something new .
to bring endless joy to people life.
by shareing  an care for  human life
an human rights.
dennis gunsteen Aug 2010
a place for us
a place for us
i have peace in my
heart to nite
i want  a love to
call my own?  
as people  are wrong.
so wrong.
at times
why O' why
why cann't i  have
some one  to call my own.
an say i  love you
with words of my heart.
not  with words
of web of lies.
they spin from there dark
soul of there hearts.
i only ask to have a true
pure  heart to call my own.
wish upon the heaven
an dance  the dance .
feel the magic.
feel my tear drops
'' give all, i can give !''
i truely bear my soul
for love.
but this love is like a hour  glass
as sand of time .
endless like the sea of
there is magic
in words.
what is a true  love ???
what is a angel of tenderness?
what greed what is lust !
what true beauty?
what real love?

01. honest with words of one  soul
being brave show no fear.
helping all the time.
all say i love my dare
02.feel  the spirit  of love for all
careing for other people .
even when they dislike
alway share the love
peace to other
alway give back the  love
of hope.
she your love an  your time.
03. a true man doesn't
lust for women body
a women is a special
angel in  this world
she stone  she the rock
that care for young
when they are born.
04.  a true men doesn't greed
wealth .he's share wealth
with the poor .
an never question
about the money
because giveing
is a true love.
an that real  love
give everthing you have
to help other.
that is love.
a real love
my friends.
beauty is with in
one's heart
beauty is the magic ,
of soul to care for people
in need. , beauty is
beauty is  being happy .
beauty is shareing tender
of hope an love for other.
this true beauty.
dennis gunsteen Jul 2010
an the people of earth
where is the hope an dreams.
for are children  an there  future.
why can't be like a new
an  be peaceful people.
in  life  an a  world of peace.
an care for one another.
with true hearts.
not with greedy hearts.
people of earth we  can
build  a world of peace.
i 'am but a poor man
shareing the love of hope.
we can take care of the poor
an the sick an old .
an feed hunry people
on the street.
we can do  this an help
one another.
rise up people for peace
an feed the poor an sick
an old , give gift of love.
share the gift of love
to one another .
we are the same we are human
white ,tan  brown ,people.
we can! live in a world of peace!,
an share the love of hope.
for the children on the street.
an also feed sick an hunry .
an help  poor an old people
on the streets .
people of this  world
let try this thing call peace.
for the kids and mom and dad,brother
and sister of this world.
let have peace an  start careing ,
share the love of peace.
it's really not hard .
we are brother an sister
of this world.
give  peace a try.
an build that  dream  of peaceful
world to all.
for children of this world.
give peace a try.
dennis gunsteen Nov 2010
my people of this world
let build a world of peace .
an stop hurting  one another
just shareing peaceful
way in life .
help our  brother an sister
of this world .
there angel almost us
as walk throw life.
share time share the love
of peace.
help brother an sister
on the street.
yes can!!
yes can!!
build a world of peace.
it not hard to so i care.
stop the hurting !!!
stop hate .
let build world peace ,
start careing for our brother
an sister.
share the love peace.

— The End —