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S Olson May 2018
being disharmonious
with the whisper of death,
my father sentiently orchestrates
his final moments.

the cancer enfolds, unbending;
inverting throughout him like a small womb
unfolding the fabric of his universe.
his torso ebbs with these insatiable flowers.
he is born again into death knowing love,
dreaming his journey into being. his children
shedding symphonies of his laughter
are woven into silence; as he dies
a fully spread bouquet—beautiful
in the face of surreptitious sabotage.
it must be cumbersome for him. to grow
backwardly. still, though—outwardly,
he hefts it peacefully. dying a mountain—
symphonic—and in bloom.
Hank Desroches May 2012
I can’t write poetry
Not right now
But I’m obligated to
I have to
Impress you.

I’m too
To let you ignore me.

I’m reading too much into this
You’re not doing this
To hurt me
Or toy with my emotions.

You’re probably just occupied

Which is really unfortunate
Because whether you did it
Or unconsciously
You set a trap from which
I’m don’t know if I can
Or want to
Escape from.

And I’ve got to be reading too much into this
I’ll just try harder
Until you notice me a little more.

I’m not used to being challenged

But you’re probably just occupied
Or with someone else
But how hard do I have to try?
Sa Sa Ra Sep 2012
Would not then the Law of One be the Law of Love. No rules just nature within the infinite (I call it the deep and dark, dark referring to the unseen yet it is sentiently known and most readily embraced) deep dark sea of love from where all is sprung. Not only suggesting that all manifest is descended this way but more is available on the demand of our real needs. Yes love is responsive reactive willing in infinite facets this way!!! So I prefer to say love is all there is rather than love is all you need. I call the wild cards the X factor that is our individual willingness's which All are and is interdependent upon. Yet too I know this X factor is a fractal spawning too of loves nature to share All and so All feels for All when otherwise fragmented inwards into obscurity. Love is not obscurence of one another, love coalesces it's own essences. You know I invite All to tell the greatest story here by being bold in meekness. All love All, Ra!!!
1. Good morning life is the good X (*)to the nth degree and you are welcome to have you wish granted!!
2. Okay some other Ra-nessy!!!
wordvango Aug 2017
**** what a dangerous proposition giving a
devout atheist
six Olde English forties
on an empty stomach
and the place where he can
say almost anything
like un-freedom
dead in judgment you never will
hear the end to me
daylight sparkling and the young
innocents who are around
hear my prayers
so sorry
Saturday should be a school day
so it is your fault
how I sentiently
ask how can a body be resurrected
when dust to dust and justice
is unrelenting only the sun and sky
eternal no need to reconcile
the fallen angel who turned bad
being a cosmic ethical supposer
involves having a moral edge
while my bay like chants make your skin crawl
and the sky boil up
there is no proof
to prove a negative
pray the Father
S l L H Nov 2018
Another long night. The front door opens and I'm blessed by that feeling I can only get from home, where the air suddenly feels softer, the world quieter, and my thoughts on autopilot. I enter this home where everything I see is unfamiliar, but I move as though nothing is out of place. The carpet is an obscure shade of white I would never choose, and foreign knick-knacks and pictures of people with no faces hang along the walls. The rooms carry no scent, and the sound of no sound is rather ominous, but all of these things are just a passing glance. My eyes are focused on one door in the middle of the hall. I grab the **** reassuringly, despite never having touched this door, in a hall I've never seen, in a house I've never been, and I push it open.

Everything is tinted blue from the moonlight; the bed is large and there's a simple desk and computer at my leisure. I settle my things down. Nothing of particular interest crosses my mind, but alone in the dark, there's infinite space for a mind to wander. I browse the web. The night grows darker and I learn absolutely nothing that will benefit me the next day. I didn't play many games or speak to many people, but I saw you Online. We didn't speak, but nonetheless, there's a certain type of radiance you bring through the computer screen, through your eyes that carry a million secrets.

After an hour of nonsense and fumbling at the mouse, my eyes begin to grow drowsy and my senses dull, but I'm not quite ready to sleep. I stay up with my thoughts a little longer, used to ignoring the small sounds like ticks in the wall from the neighbors or rumbling in the bushes from outside, but one sound didn't sit right with me: a ruffle in the sheets from behind. I turn around, my shoulders tense, only to fall to a realization. This.. is a dream. You weren't just there, but you appear like thin air in nothing but a T-shirt and blue underwear, wearing that sly smile where no one ever really knows what you're thinking, but I'm always ninety percent sure. I stand to find that your eyes follow me sentiently, so I approach you. The most fulfilling moment is keeping you in suspense about what's on my mind, what devious things I may do to a defenseless you, though you're probably ninety percent sure.

The mattress springs creak as I enter the bed. You curl your toes and bite your lip in anticipation, visibly excited about what's to come. I move slowly. Your eyes say "take me," but your soft skin and subtle features whisper the opposite. My arms slide beneath your legs in one motion; you lay against the headboard and wait for me, patiently impatient, my face deep between your thighs and warm breaths brushing up against your skin. I can only stare, contemplating everything I want to do and every potential outcome, but your mind was probably already made up. I press my lips down.

You clench your fists, the first of many deep breaths. Your hips mindlessly shove in against me and I feel every contour beneath the fabric, every nook, every detail from top to bottom and every contraction, curling my tongue around your **** until your hips begin to spin. The heat between us rises rapidly, but nothing in this house is real.

Your sensuous moans and whimpers begin to give you away. Even through your *******, I can tease you pretty well. I continue to gnaw and nibble, stirring you up more and more as you fight to find my tongue that I pull away and only press back when you've finally given up. Frustrated, you pull your ******* in tighter. The outline of your **** becomes clear and visible enough to squeeze between my lips, over and over until it slips away once again. Lost in thought, it simply feels like we're playing, and I never want to stop.

Your ******* come off with hardly a finger, and your lovely pink lips and hole stare back at me, shimmering wet. I'm aware that I'm dreaming, so is it pathetic to continue?




I unzip and come out of my jeans to show you what you've done to me, lifting you from the headboard and switching places. You fit perfectly on top. I'm now *****, throbbing hard and touching your sides as you take me and begin to lower yourself.

In my lap, within my grasp, eye to eye. What is this feeling, I wonder.

My hands slide up beneath your shirt that we don't bother taking off. Your ******* at the mercy of my touch, you come down deeper, your walls taking me in but also feel like they're pushing me out. You lift and lower yourself, up and down as I guide you with my dark hands and arms. Every fall feels deeper than the last and I haven't even stopped growing inside of you yet; I'm embarrassed, I'm biting my lip. My hands cross to your backside and grab your cheeks to pull you down harder, faster by instinct. I can feel every drop leaking out as your nails dig into my shoulders. You're beginning to tremble.. And shake.. I fight to hold you steady but your eyes can't seem to focus. You're squeezing harder.. A kiss to your hand does nothing, so I hold you in closely.. Until you pop.

We slow down. I slow down. You fall to the bed and turn to your side, and as my breathing slows, I figure it wouldn't hurt to lay with you. In fetal position, we stare into each other's souls, and though neither of us have said a word, I find myself compelled to ask..

Where have you been for so long..?

— The End —