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Johnathan locke Jun 2015
Instagram, twitter,
Snap chat all.
Selfi,post this,
Lets go to the mall!

Annoying, redundant,
Useless spaces.
Look at me, look at me,
says all the faces
I hate social media.
Moonsocket Oct 2016
Nausea comes
never mind the robotics
Outdated and primitive
something out of an old horror show
Black and white
with pale mustache movements

Flicker for some change
silence in the monopoly
Orange blue skies in the forecast
radio towers shadow homes
Cheap but unstable

Swerve for the limo
with it's rented passenger

Make room for concrete
with it's finalized oozing
Conclusions in literal stone

By all means

Grow grass before you build

Let the time be captured before creation

Let the giants stretch one last time

Before they pull down the clouds for warmth

Before they make rain for thirst

Before they break stars for spite

Manmade for a time
they now mutiny against the gods

What gods nobody asks?

We eat nuclear dinners
while television glow illuminates
Slack jaw chewing

The bits we miss fall down

Nutrition for one hundred hungry orphans

Feel the warmth of giving

We donate at the register because we want salvation

But we don't share the cheeto with the bag lady downtown

Broken stair case
Gray concrete
old and cracked

Message by way of cup and string
a voice from the past
Faded but painful
rusted yet lovely

Said she drank herself to death
sent a selfi from heaven
Saying she was right and I am doomed

We make lust but call it love
animals in denial
Chemical fueled collisions
and innocents is lost

Broken home renewal
pass the generation general
This war needs motivation
this money needs consolidating
These masses need thinning

nobody makes it to the bottom

We all look down hoping for a clue

But these gods prove elusive

Nothing manmade in the organic

Nothing humble in the insane

— The End —