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M Clement Aug 2013
It's been 5 days since I've written anything
And the scraggles of hair that line my jaw
Show that it's been 5 days since I've done anything
Rhyme anything with anything
And hope to bring some silence
To the demons in my mind
And the silence surrounding

Never have I thought of this
As being the life that I would live
But now that it is what it is
I'll always remember the kids

And watching your avoiding eyes
As I say "Hi"
You say "Goodbye"
And that's the end of history
That's the end of herstory

And now I'm wondering
Where the hell I'm left at
And what the hell I'm left with
On the corner of confused and confidence
I just realized how long it's been since I've written. Not that you've expected anything, but I'm a little disappointed that it's taken so long for me to feel like writing. I guess it is what it is.
Thomas Owen May 2014
I miss the scraggles of irrigated brain matter
the kind that used to spray out of my mind.
I miss the corregated gore that would line up
like so many words on an ephemeral canvas.
Alas, I am no more.

— The End —