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bkmackenzie Jan 2011
when shall I linger by the stair
where I first met you standing there
you in coat, my long, long brown hair
where I first met you last December

when shall I linger by the stair
where a woolen  scraf so willingly shared
you wrapped it round my face and  hair
the beginnings of our love affair
when shall I meet you there

when shall I linger by the stair
my hair now cut your shoulders bare
the summer warmth still finds love shared
no given end to a this fond affair
when shall I linger by the stair
I shall meet you there....
copyrighted 2011 bkmackenzie
Jonathan Dyhre Jun 2013
Slowly it drifts past me
driven by steady, determined steps
this blue scarf
seemingly floating, on her shoulders
as if unnafected by the laws of nature
this blue scarf
suddenly ripping me out of my ordinary world
and into this dreamlike void where all time stops
like a bright beacon of light
this blue scarf
it guides me, and comforts me
this blue scraf
on her shoulders
Daisy Chain Nov 2012
The harshness of the light
freckled through the scraf
that was wrapped around
her face.

Her parents wait at home
to disapprove her chosen life
of hips and combed hair
in His presence.

The guillotine of it
the final blow of sin
is, never had she chosen
the life of guilt.

She dreams of books on a shelf
full of ideas of others
who dare to look over
the wall of shame.

— The End —