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doug greene Feb 2014
Walking together along the shore,
Hand in hand, shoulders touching,
Waves splash across our feet,
And for a moment, this moment,
I have never been so much at peace.
The warm breeze fills my ear
Like your quick-hot breath,
And I taste the saltspray on my tongue
Like your comfortable moisture.
Where the water slides across the beach
It glows the color of  your arms, your legs, your face,
While further up, the dry sand has the creamy, golden tone
Of your softer, hidden skin.
Look behind us here at how
The gray, relentless sea removes
The evidence that we have walked,
While in front of us,
The sands of Cancún curve away
Into a swollen orange late-day sun.
There is only now, my love,
betterdays Feb 2016
the curve of the beach
is outlined in a murky red today
the kelp has turned in the heat

on the sand the little *****
make little spheres and bubbles

where the damp meets dry
a sandcastle slowly loses form
as the wind takes it away
grain by grain

on the rocks three kids clamber
shouting and pointing poking sticks
into the pooled worlds

up on the grass, sit two old gents
and the clamour of seagulls that
are being fed skerricks of fat golden chips

i stand admist all this feet in the water
work pants rolled up, shirt tails out
breathing in the saltspray
looking to the horizon
as it begins to colour  the evening sky

at my feet swirl ribbons of red brown kelp

it has been an unseasonably hot summer
made a detour on the way home.....first day back to work.......

— The End —