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a m a n d a Apr 2014
i don't know how
to get to you,
and i'm sorry
  you hate my guts.
i wish i was enough.
i really do.
i wish i wasn't whatever it is
that makes you go away from me.
JM Romig Jan 2014
if the world was ending in 7 days -
nobody else knows it
but there's nothing anyone can do to stop it
how do you want to spend your last week on earth?

***?! Who is this?

sorry [sadface emoji]

I'd go looting.
break into stores, steal TVs, printers,
whatev I can get my hands on

i mean, what's the point?

The **** of it.
Never been looting before

nope, never been looting.

I meant, what would you do with your last week?

i dunno
that's why i'm taking suggestions
Kev Harlequin Feb 2018
It's funny how I wrote you before and the words disappeared.
But just like these words I'm rewriting I'm hoping that you'd reappear.
Will you reappear?

Or is it that my paranoia made me see a ghost of who you were to me in the life of my forma?
My former life with you in it,
The good times,
hood times,
rapping to beats and singing hook times.

You were my preacher of a poet,
my best friend; they know it.
The level of maturity I've achieved could've never been met without you in the life of this misfit.
You told 'em I was different but they missed it.
The way we shared a bunk bed imma forever miss it,
late night convos bout the girlies, and even the book of life,
wondering if our names were listed.

You were the male version of a caring mother.
Yes! you were more than just another brother.
You were Mr. Muscles, Mr. Healthy, Mr. Baldhead and everyone knows you were Mr. Friendly.

Days are longer without you, nightmares are stronger without you,
now what more can I do,
but pray the prayer you prayed when you prayed I'd turn out better than you?

I love you.

— The End —