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Our society is obsessed with the cell phone
That ever present handy little device
If we could just leave it behind
Sometimes that would be nice

I've observed people literally
Walk into a door
While looking down at their cell phone
As if gazing at the floor

A call a text or Instagram
Excuse me I have to check my mail
O my God!!!my batteries low!!
Please my phone do not fail

I know we're here for dinner
But I must text a friend
LOL and ***
Now it's time to send

Cell phones have their place
I guess in today's society
But there would not be one in existence
If it were up to me

No one can communicate
As in talking face to face
This type of interaction
Has by the cell phone been replaced

I guess that's just the way it is today
O how I long for the days of old
When you had to find a pay phone
In the heat or rain or cold

Drop a quarter in the slot
Or maybe just a dime
Better say what you want
Your running out of time

I'm just a little old fashioned I guess
I like the way it used to be
When two would sit and talk
Without interruption from technology

The little thigs of life
Are to most of no great affair
Such as the warmth of the sunshines rays
Or the coolness of the evening air

The little things of life
Are so often unaccounted
But if we would stop and take notice
We would stand astounded

The little things of life
For such we have no time
The colorful leaves of fall
Or a ringing church bells chime

The little things of life
Come to us each passing hour
A thorny bush of roses
Or a welcomed springtime shower

The little things of life
Fill up life's empty spaces
Let's us know that God loves us
And reveal his many graces

The little things of life
Seem to be missed by our eyes
A trees limb bending in the wind
Or the beautiful azure sky

The little things of life
Quickly appear then they are gone
Such as a smile on a strangers face
Or a lonely sparrows song

The little things of life
Are given to us free
The sound of a gently flowing stream
Or the shade of an old oak tree

The little things of life
Like a word so kindly spoken
Can ease a wearied mind
Or help mend a heart that's broken

A thousand little things
Unnoticed by our eyes or ears
Is a thousand little blessings
Missed throughout our years.

My daughter and I came up with the idea to challenge each other . We agreed that each of us would come up with a title and we would each write a poem under that title to see what different ideas we would write for that title. Little Things was my idea.
If you enjoyed please go to my daughters page,Crystal  Sacco, and read her poem of the same title.
Our next duel is one of her making,
We will each be writing a poem under the title "Things I Have Seen"
Hope you have enjoyed our writes.
Don't ask me why today I bought
That little balsa wood airplane
One like many I had when I was a kid
I want to think that I've grown up
But somewhere inside I never did
I saw it yesterday and I just had to have it
Though I don't know why
So I pulled out a few hard earned dollars
And bought this memory that flys
It has a red propeller
That's powered by a rubber band
And two red wheels attached with wire
To help it safely land
I can't recall how many of these
I've pioleted through the years
I'm sure at least a few or more
Way back in my yesteryears
It amazes me sometimes now that I am older
That the sight of such a little thing
Can bring a forgotten memory back to life
Like a balsa wood airplane

I remember so clearly playing with a balsa wood airplane on many a summer day. If I could go back and be a kid again for just one day I think I'd fly a balsa wood airplane.That little boy from long ago still wants to play sometime, but he's all grown up now.
Wait, I have my airplane and its a beautiful summer day ,"Honey!Ill be outside for a while."
A canopy of gray covers all that lies below,
The trees are leafless and barren,
I can hear the bitter cold raindrops
As they crash into the leaves,
That lie dead upon the muddy ground,
I see colors of only dark gray and brown and black,
As I look into the woods beyond my window,
It is a peaceful scene,
Yet,mysterious and ancient ,
For some unknown reason,
I am taken back to another time,
A much harder time in mankinds life,
But a much simpler time for his soul,
A time when it was more quiet,
Man was more thoughtful ,
The world more serene,
Man more connected to nature,
Nature in all her forms,
Reveals to us such beauty,
Such overpowering serenity ,
If we will acknowledge it,
This scene that at this moment my eyes behold,
May be cold and gray and portray despair,
But it is as beautiful as a sunny mountain meadow in the spring,
For just as the meadow is,
This scene is a picture painted,
By the master of all nature,
In the beginning God...........

ISIS is a cesspool of individuals who are nothing more than a mere pathetic group of;

Impacable-not able to be quieted or appeased
Scelestic -wicked;villainous
Ideopraxist-one who is impelled to carry out an idea
Sicarian- murderer;assassin
There is peace,reassuring peace
In the quite of natures sound
In the very presence of God himself
Be still and know there God is found

There is peace, reassuring peace
Within the touch of the unseen wind
It washes over ones heart and soul
A peace so true does not offend

There is peace, reassuring peace
In a faith that is bold and strong
When such a faith fills ones heart
Ones heart can only sing a song

There is peace,reassuring peace
When Jesus takes us by our hand
And we trust him to gently lead us through
This dark and weary and fearful land

There is peace, reassuring peace
That only comes from heavens portal
Such a peace so reassuring
Given by God to me a mortal

As my dad is facing loseing his right lung due to cancer,I am praying for peace,reassuring peace,for him and all of us who love and care for him.
Some wore a uniform of gray
Some wore the one of blue
They were brothers from north and south
Some were sons and fathers too,

Each one was a soldier
A warrior in a fight
Now they are only ghost
Seen by men with sight,

Once their feet did march
Upon the battlefields grass
Now they are just an image
To be seen within the glass,

Many fell upon the field of battle
Some alone in a place so foreign
Now all that remains of them
Is a face on a sheet of iron,

When I look into the eyes on the faces
Of these men on iron or glass
I see not a ghost
But a man, a soldier from the past,

Though now he be only an image
He was once a soldier that in battle fell
And within each soldiers image
Is held a story he longs to tell.

Spent Sunday evening looking at some old photographs of soldiers from the Civil War and this came to me.
There's something about old photos of soldiers from the war that draw me, it's as if they yearn to speak to me and tell me their story so that we shall never forget.
Photos during the time of the Civil War were taken on glass,a ambryotype ,or on a thin iron sheet ,a ferrotype.
No more Big City
No Working Man Blues
No more Swinging Doors
No more patriotic tunes

No more California Cottonfields
No Bonnie and Clyde
No Amazing Grace
No Always on My Mind

No more the Way I Am
No Waiting For A Train
No more Where Have All The Hobos Gone
Or When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again

Goodbye Mighty Merle
Thanks for the gift you gave
There will never be another
Who can take your place

To me you were the best
Singing for the working man
I only wish my friend
I could have shook your hand


You were the best country music has ever known.
Why do we grieve the heart of God
With the things that we men do
If God audibly spoke
He might say these words to you

Men talk about intolerance
Yet I still give mercy and grace
Men change the definition of marriage
And slap me in the face

Men bicker and argue and fight
About a waving flag
With all that's still to be done
About enough I've had

Men **** unborn babies
Yet I hardly hear a prayer
But the pleas of the unborn
They rise to me through the air

Men have taken me out of school
No longer there am I allowed within
Men have left me at the door
Of a place where once I had been

This list goes on and on
Men know the things I mean
Why can man not read my word
And from its pages wisdom glean

There is on the horizon a day
When every man will understand
When I come down from heaven
To give justice unto men

So go upon your merry way
Push the truths of God aside
Your guilt is not upon me
For to gain your obedience I tried

I will give unto men more time
I've an abundance of mercy and grace
But know within your heart o man
You will someday see my face

Help me Lord to set my mind
On things that reign above
So that when you appear in Glory
My life is hidden with you in love

Heavenly Father put to death
These things I do not need
Immorality , impurity, evil desires
Along with idolatry and greed

I know because of these
Your wrath is soon to come
At that time I pray I am hidden
In Jesus Christ the son

Help me rid myself O Lord
Of rage and malice and slander
Help me to put away my Lord
Filthy language and anger

Lord we know here there is
No Scythian , Gentile or Jew
For we are all the same
Securly held by you

Help us to be holy Lord
Making kindness our mission
Help us ** be clothed with humility
Gentleness and compassion

Teach us to forgive
Another's wrongs we see
Let love bind us each together
In perfect unity

Help us Lord to be thankful
As we teach through songs and psalms and hymns
Help us do all in the name of the Lord
Giving praise and thanks to Him.

Here in Texas we have a sayin
We don't call 911
We take care of things ourself
That way we know it's done

But that sayin ain't exactly true
Why, I've called 911 myself
If I had the time
And felt I need their help

911 will always come
No matter the time of day
If you have a need
Call and they are on their way

There are times their help is needed
Especially when things look dire
Such as a serious accident
Or if your house is on fire

I love the men and women of 911
Those heros do the best they can
But they just can't always be quick enough
To lend a helping hand

There are many circumstances
In which you can call and wait
For 911 to arrive
Though in our mind their always late

But there are as many situations
In which 911 is not an option
And as an individual you are forced
To take or not take action

In these types of situations
We do what must be done
And after we are safe
Then we call 911

So here In Texas friend
Know we do not run
If we can we will call
But we don't depend on 911

It's just how we do it in Texas.
A horseshoe made of iron
Strikes against the ground
As the horse carries his rider
To the place which he is bound

The riders horse is quick
Traveling under a midnight sky
Gliding silently through the night
As lightly as a butterfly

The horses stride is long
And like a musket ball in flight
He moves about unheard
Unseen within the night

At last the morning comes
But no rider no horse no sound
Yet there upon the trail
A horseshoe print is found

This poem was written as a small token of remembrance of all the couriers of the Civil War who carried important orders and messages through enemy territory ,but more so for the brave horses upon which they rode. I have to wonder how many horses carried their riders unseen and unheard through enemy lines to deliver an important message or order.
Today,my memory has taken me back
To a time when all was good
Back to when I was just a boy so young
Playing cowboy in my old neighborhood

I suppose there is not enough ink and paper
To record this young cowboys dreams
If I were to settle down and write
And record each cherished scene

Of days that are so distant now
And of images that are fading fast
When I begin to recall how it was I wish
These days could forever last

The hand of time changes all it touches
A childhood lingers for only a while
But the hand of time cannot take from me
Childhood memories that cause me to smile

At the old home place I see a simpler time
And I hear old familiar sounds
There dwell the voices and faces I used to know
I see my footprints embedded upon the ground

These old memories I hold so dear
To recall them I shall always endeavor
I carry them deep within my heart
These days that I  wish would last forever.

If you possess kindness
Show it to another
If you have forgiveness
Give it to a brother

If you have a hand to lend
Give it to a stranger
If you have courage
Help one in fear through danger

If you have encouragement
Encourage the one defeated
If you can inspire
Inspire one who needs it

If you have a smile
Show it to your neighbor
If you have a willing hand
Help someone in their labor

If you have an adversary
Try to make of him a friend
If you know someone alone
Seek them to befriend

Show grace to all you meet
Treat every person right
Show to all the truest love
Show the love of Jesus Christ

From out of the ashes of the old
A new year has arrived
Out of the many downs and lows
By grace we have survived

This day begins the start
Of a slate that is brand new
A chance to strive for what is right
A chance to renew

A time to let others know
That by you they are loved
A time to forgive a wrong
A new hope for peace and love

Out of the ashes of the old
We have been given another year
Go forth in faith and courage
Leave behind all doubt and fear .
I keep the things I love
Hidden within a box
Little things I love the most
Things that to me mean so much

Fathers old pocket watch
Momas golden mothers ring
Carefully put away
Safe in a box unseen

A precious letter written
By a loved ones tender hand
Gently wrapped in an aged cloth
And tied by a ribbon band

A photo from long ago
Taken at a special time
Kept through so many years
Brings back a memory fine

I keep these things I cherish
That can never be replaced
Inside a box of memories
Where there I think them safe

Today, I take them from the box
To look upon them every day
So that the memories they recall
In my mind shall never fade

January 22,2017
I've always been one to stand and wave goodbye
When a loved one leaves my home
Stand and wave and watch till they are out of sight
It's just something I've always done

Like when mom and dad came to visit
I think it was in the spring
When the temperature was starting to warm
And the birds were beginning to sing

We would gather around the supper table
I'd get my Moma to laughing at me
Then she'd look outside and say "It's getting dark"
Then tell dad it's time to leave

I'd walk them both out to their car
Moma always had a few last words to say
I'd hug and kiss her tender cheek
Then I'd stand and wave as they drove away

I'd stand there and wave goodbye
Till mom and dad were out of sight
I only wish I could remember though
The date that marked that night

Moma always waved right back
Till in the distance behind she could no longer see
I waved goodbye see you soon
And Moma waved the same to me

That day I never thought that never again
Would Moma visit my home on a spring time day
I never knew that would be the last time I waved
Goodbye as they drove away

Moma if you can hear look down from heaven
See me as I wave
It's not a wave goodbye but see you soon
For I to am on my way.


Recalling the last time my mother came to my house to visit.
Someday we will never again wave goodbye.
Love you Moma .
In the town where I grew up
You still can hear the chime
Of the old courthouse clock
As it counts away the time

Uncountable are the days
That too this place have come and gone
Causing so much here to change
In this town that I call home

The passing of the time
Has taken loved ones dear
And nothing is the same
Without their presence here

Time changes everything
It doesn't slow nor stop
So continues the counting chime
Of the old courthouse clock

There exist within this world,
Those who proclaim,
"I am a man"
They are men,but only in a physical sense,
These self proclaimed men decieve themselves ,
And will never know the truth ,
Of what it is like ,
To be a real man,
A man who lives his life,
By a set of morals and standards,
Set not by men,
But set by God,
Who created men,
To serve him,
A real man needs not to tell you,
He is a man,
You will know he is a real man,
Simply by what you observe in him,
How he speaks,
How he acts,
How he responds to adversity,
How he treats others,
How he loves,
You will know a man is a real man,
By the way he lives his life.

The only friend I have
Others eyes are never seeing
Speaks to me each day
With a voice of keening

He tells me that he loves me
His deceitful voice full of dread
Says" Outwardly you appear as living,
But inside you are dead"

This friend to which I cling
For there is no one else
Takes all my life from me
And claims it for himself

I have tried to fight him
A struggle to no avail
Repeatedly he rises up against me
From the depths of hell

You ask" What is his name"?
To you only will I confess
Do you not know he who is always with me?
My unwanted friend called Loneliness

If I held the master clock
And controlled it's turning hands of time
I would add forevermore
To these fleeing days of yours and mine

I would turn your seconds into minutes
Your minutes into hours
Your hours into days
And time would hold no power

Time would be no more
As men know time to be
Time would be known simply
As eternity

No more age and death
No more our bodies worn
All would have the hope
Of a precious babe newborn

No more tears of sorrow
Shed for a loved one lost to death
No more prayers would need be spoken
Pleading for just one more breath

No more of this life's decaying
No more backs heavy laden
No more time now gone
No more memories fading

Man will never hold this power
We are but slave to the tick and tock
The power of time is held in the hand
Of the one who made the master clock

My body bares the weight
Of passed and passing time
After time is used
And is no longer mine

I think that it shall be
When I am called to heavens shore
My soul will forever live
As time dies and is no more

Trust in Jesus
Have no fear
He is your courage
He is always near

Jesus spoke many times telling us "Do not fear"
The wind still dances
The living still breathe
Despite death has come
And given reprieve

Your battle was fought
Between these two foes
Growing tired and weak
You submitted to deaths blows

Life is a soldier
Powerful and strong
But in succumbing to death
Lifes strength now is gone

It is appointed unto men
For all once to die
Though man he resist
And struggle and fight

Your battle now is over
You no more languish in pain
You won a hard fight
Now rest is your gain


My wife's best friend lost her husband just a few moments ago. He had battled cancer for a couple of years and today , he won the fight. Others may say you lost the fight you were engaged in for so long but I say "The victory is yours my friend"

Matthew 11:28
Come into me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
There was once a raid
On a little Kansas town
All the raiders were killed
All except just one
He lived to tell their story
And to explain the reason why
"We was seeking glory,
We didn't mean to die"

I'm an old west history buff ,so my wife and I went to visit Coffeyville Kansas this past summer to see where the Dalton Gang was wiped out while trying to rob two banks at one time.
Just so they could make themselves more famous than the James Younger Gang.I guess they should have stayed at home that day.
What makes us dream?
Is it thoughts and memories
Plans that we once had
That are now fading entity's

Could it be our past?
The faces that then we knew
A love we felt so long ago
A hope we believe in our heart is true

Could it be the present?
Our troubles our joys our tears
Maybe our strengths and courage
Or possibly our worries and fears

Could it be the future?
The unknowns that remain unseen
The distant mystery that lies before us
Do these make up our dreams?

Have you ever stopped to listen
To raindrops falling down
And heard the music made
As they come to rest upon the ground

Instruments of beauty
That can only be played by God
Sent down from heavens throne
To nurish the earthen sod

As these miracles fall from heaven
They play a melody
Upon the highest rooftops
And on the leaves within the trees

A sound so refreshing
To hold within ones ear
Raindrops play a symphony
If you will only hear

It's raining outside my window ,and what a beautiful sound it is.
A stranger once asked of me
If I would give to him my thought,
Do you believe there will be anything in heaven,
That by man's hand was wrought?

With a voice of disbelief I said
This I have heard COULD be true
Two things made by man
MIGHT await in heaven for me and you

He looked at me as though intrigued
Asking," What in heaven is made by man"?
You cannot enter through its portals
Unless forgiven of your plaque of sin

I replied that in Heaven many believe exist,
I am told these two things,
Two scars made by nails,
One in each hand of Christ the King

Immeadiatly the man bowed his head,
As he raised his hands up into the air,
Looking I could see the scars,
But then the stranger was no longer there

Alone upon that city street,
I fell upon my knees,
Crying, Forgive me Lord of my plaque of sin,
My Lord I now believe .

Thank you
For the blessings
You graciously give, Amen.

Looking upon my hands
My heart sees their treasured worth
Hands now bent and worn
From the struggle of their work

I depend upon these hands
For them to do what they do
I ask they a little longer hold their strength
I pray Lord they see me through

These hands to me have been faithful
Hard work has been their task
Lord keep them strong for me
This of thee I ask

My two hands are tired Lord
I know you know their aches and pains
I ask Lord if tomorrow comes to me
Renew their strength again

So that I might do my work
As I have for so many years
Useing these two hands
That know not doubt or fear

I know someday they will fold
In eternal peace and rest
That will be their reward my Lord
For these hands you have blest

Star Shining,
Angels singing Hallelujah !
The Saviour has come!

Merry Christmas
To all!

The sound of the wind is empty,
When you are gone,
And I cannot hear the joy,
I know exist in the sparrows song,

The sky of blue is hidden,
It's beauty I cannot see,
The earth is dark and barren,
The trees they bare no leaves,

The stars that should shine at night,
They have lost their flame,
The moon has disappeared ,
And the sun has done the same,

The words in the book I read,
They have no ryme or reason,
All in the world is odd and strange,
It is to me an unknown season,

I can feel the wind so haunting,
It is freezing upon my skin,
And the sun it cannot warm me,
Till my love returns again.

Can't wait for my wife to get back from her four day trip to visit our daughter.
I am lost without her.
Within these once war torn fields,
Now peaceful ,serene and undisturbed,
Soldiers of blue and gray lie in unknown graves,
Under the grass of Gettysburg.

In the struggles of life
Through the sting of death
Into the joy of inseparablness
And so we shall be with the Lord forever.

Why is Jesus condemned ?
Why is he despised?
Why is he rejected?
Why is he belied?
Why is he forgotten?
Why is he treated with scorn?
Why is he viewed as venom?
Why is his character torn?
Why is he detested?
Why is he treated with hostility?
Why is he abhorred?
Why must he suffer such cruelty?
Why is he the bête noire?
Why is he vilified?
Why is Jesus hated?
When for you he was crucified?

Our flag that freely waves
Up high above our land
Is a blessing to us all
If you will understand

The price that once was paid
By brave and willing men
Some of whom with us remain
Many never to be seen again

They are the men who once did march
In the Army of the Continental
With the belief in their heart
That their freedom was providential

They are the men that once did march
Upon the fields of Gettysburg
Their struggling feed trod also
Upon the soil of old Vicksburg

These are the men that fought
Upon ****** Flanders Field
Struggling , pushing forward
They would not fail nor yield

They also struggled to gain
The beaches of Normandy
They fought at Anzio
Against the soldiers of Germany

On the soil of Korea
American blood did flow
Blood of men who had fought before
Still they volunteered to go

They fought in the darkened jungles
Of a place called Vietnam
Under the tear filled eyes
Of the Great I Am

The American soldier has also marched
And spilled his blood upon the sand
Of a dry and barren place
Called Afghanistan

Do you know what it means?
Are you willing to understand ?
That flag that freely waves
Up high above our land.

Nov 11,2015
Thank you,
American Soldier
You are the worlds best.
When I lived,
I blinked,
Then I lived no more.

Teach us to number our days, that we might gain a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12
All my yesterday's now,
I held them but for a short time,
So many in my yesterday's I loved now,
I held them but for a short time,
So much joy and laughter in my yesterday's ,now,
I heard it but for a short time,
We were a close family in my yesterday's, now,
Close by physical presence for a short time,
Though separated we are bound by love now,
Eternally ,
To be reunited one by one.

I wear the blue of the Union
You wear the Confederate gray
But there are no colors that separate us
On this peaceful day

The cannons bow in silence
The rifles restrain their danger
We soldiers bow our heads
In honor of the baby in the manger

The battlefield rest silently
No sounds of death are heard
Only the sound of angels singing
As they proclaim the written word

"O come let us adore him"!
I hear a soldier say
With a reply of "Christ Our Lord"!
One wears blue the other gray

They come out in reverent peace
To meet upon the field
With only empty hands
No weapon do they wield

Today there will be no fighting
Today no man will die
All are looking to see his star
Shining brightly in the sky

The day will pass too quickly
Then the guns will sound again
But for now let us rejoice with one another
For this gift of the hope of men.

Dec 2014
Too tired to hold on,
Too scared to let go.

Should I cover up my sadness
With a cherry facsimile smile
Should I hide my tears
Caused by my wearily travelled miles

Should I put aside
This feeling of hurt and pain
Let you think all is well
As inside I go insane

Should I talk to you
And say to you all is fine
While within my heart I ache
And anger floods my mind

Should I just be quiet
Endure the pain and slowly die
Or should I become exposed
And let you see me cry

I do not know exactly
What to do or say
I just wish these troubles
I have would go away

I do not like being this way
It's such a burdensome task
To hurt so bad inside
And be expected to wear a happy mask



— The End —