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Paul Pane Grimm Jun 2012
Is that all you requier?
Come then, join me by this fire.

We can talk.
Whilst keeping each other company.

Time stood still so we could play.
However, it's not your Favorite game.

But the pieces are all aranged.
I wont keep score.
Could you beat me?
I'm not sure.

See, when it come to matters of the heart,
there is no one better. I've mastered the art.

I'll sweep you off your feet.
holding you close to me,
since there is no one else you see.

Or maybe you need more than me...
In the sence, quite literaly.
It's hard to share emotions equally.
No matter what, I bare this pain unevenly.

Cruel you say. I bled most definitively.
Whilst you cried wolf, and took most things dear to me...

is that all I am.
A fool?

Some thing you would use half heartedly?
There is no excuse,
there will be no trial,
I will brand you as defiled.

Now, leave me.
take whats left and go.
You never loved me, only the idea of "me".

There is no more we.
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
what have i done. my dreams have been silent.  where do i stand when i breath in fire. aner takes all my enery that  i requier.
nothing makes sence when i cant tell if your liying to me.

i cant even open my eyes for how much im tired. all the weight on me. sufficating me cant you see i run away cause you wont listen to me.

only music have never lied. i have tryed to reach out to you.

but im tired of you not caring so i set this wold on fire
my lungs fill with tirer

whats the last thing is i breath out fire with your name on my list
i found out that sing spoken poetry is the way to go when you have writers block

— The End —