Twisted eyes of oak and ivory
Clanging, rusting gears of old, wily whispers
Hear the whimpering window drops
Across sadistic crossed circuits
Within an unwavering edifice to edify
In a masked evanescent parade.
Why must I watch?
Why must we learn?
Just another face in the crowd
Staring with ageless eyes
Among sheltered innocents
Walking within shadows
Driven by no desire
Where echoes of different
Times resound.
Looking for memories of yesterdays
Left unfound.
Stagnate in the suffocating silence
I, emotional exile
I, fugitive from freedom
Against image defined.
They, surrendered to mediocrity
They, shed the age old scent of our commonness
For machine refined.
Shocked reality
Mocked integrity
The wheels of industry ground.
Bold repressiveness shut out lives.
Opinions bent toward standard waves
Bleaching out divergent shades.
To fall out of use-
Too much allowed is the end of you
By excused abuse.
Vague ideals
Within profound direction.
Systematic spontaneity.
Weakened, weary prey
Synchronized in their play;
Immersed in the cause
All sacrificed inner needs
In collective reality
Collective response.