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TLK May 2013
She sighs as she settles into the image of star-crossed lovers, fated across a swirling galaxy. She feels the insistent pulsing of his radiation through the hardness of space -- each inch as barren as the last, as clear as glass, a medium rich for the communication of romance. Today he hit her with caring fists, after another of his imaginary lists. Boys, men, women, girls: in his mind she has had them all, attracted by her deep cleavage, by her round behind. She bites her lip to bleed again, to feel that need again, to be the absolute rock-bottom of someone else’s reckless devotion. It excites her to be so repellently attractive, she calls to him with crooked fingers and pretends that the smell of her last conquest lingers. She makes love to him by pulling his **** to her while pushing his face away with snarling fingers. He can’t hide the scratches there. In her bruises welter the endless depths of star nurseries, nebulae, and out of them new madness will be borne.
Terrence Polcari Jun 2019
If you perchance to look into the Abyss
                         Just remember—the Abyss also looks into you . . . ”
                                             – Friedrich Nietzche

I dared presume to reach the depths
Of Purest Pure Thought
To touch God . . .

Down through layers of consciousness deeply I dove—
And deeper still

Until I reached the critical junction of Fathomless Deep Awareness
Where the strobing slashes of light and dark
Became One Hellish Grey Maelstrom
Of Maddeningly Sheer Chaos

The Pearlescence of my identity all but squashed . . .

I beheld the cosmic linchpin of Balanced Pandemonium
Beautifully Resplendent and Repellently Frightful—

Wellspring of The All

It became as mental blows
Pounding lustrous images of Divine Oneness
Into my being . . .
I was connected into the foundation of All
And it terrified me beyond repulsion—
I could bare the Allness Beauty
Of Swirling Hideous Nothing/Something
But an instant only

Aft I desperately swam
Rearward through tiers of awareness
Voraciously upward back into reality
Shaking in raw Astonishment—
Tear-eyed disbelief

And pure Horror . . .

— The End —