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Rachel Brooke Oct 2015
I have a proclamation
A declaration seems fitting
An outpouring of my emotions
Love isnt something i nornally discuss but this time it is needed
For the lack of better terms I'm finally "in love"
Yes I just said something that I never expected to say
It sounds forgein even to me
Its a phrase used to the point of redundancy
Typically I would call it a idiotic notion
But this time it a different form of emotion
Its a desire to understand and to be found pleasing
Its the skipping of my heart when he replies to my texts
Its blood rushing to my pale face when he calls me beautiful
A smile on my lips when he says i love you
Its the uncontrolled laughter I feel
The moments at night when my thoughts go back to him
Its a repeation of ****** love songs because they say what i  can't find the words to express
Its an unnatural obsession with everything he does
The hearts interpersonal emotions
Its ignoring of my minds warning.
Its ignoring his flaws even when I see them
The desire to put a smile on his face
A choice to change if he so much as asked
Dreams that faded because i couldnt bare to leave him
Yes I'm in love
And I don't really understand
But what can I say
Love changes everything
Emmy Dawn Mar 2014
Anxiety contorts my reactions
Like static beneath my skin
I worry that what I'm about to do
Could be a sin
Words don't come out
In the way that I intend
Slippery fingers on these keys
Chapped lips have yet to mend
I'm sorry for the thousandth time
But I'm asking again, I need clarity
Understand my drip drop repeation
because you're the only thing that's clear to me
You know I know,
But then I'm just not sure
My own hands smear my world
Into this helpless blur

— The End —