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On The Proposalls Of Certaine Ministers At The Committee For
Propagation Of The Gospell

Cromwell, our cheif of men, who through a cloud
Not of warr onely, but detractions rude,
Guided by faith & matchless Fortitude
To peace & truth thy glorious way hast plough’d,
And on the neck of crowned Fortune proud
Hast reard Gods Trophies, & his work pursu’d,
While Darwen stream with blood of Scotts imbru’d,
And Dunbarr field resounds thy praises loud,
And Worsters laureat wreath; yet much remaines
To conquer still; peace hath her victories
No less renownd then warr, new foes aries
Threatning to bind our soules with secular chaines:
Helpe us to save free Conscience from the paw
Of hireling wolves whose Gospell is their maw.
Josh Bass Mar 2015
When the light comes
The shadows rush forward.
The light remaines untouched.
I cannot stress this truth enough ..

Little children all start their lives
With every chance that be~
But subjected to the conditions around them
No real difference than a newly planted tree~
Its those first important years for a child
When they first become who they are~
And with what they learn in those very first years
Will remain within them as they go far~
No different than a newly planted tree
It will only grow due to to where its planted~
And if the soil is rich or poor
Depends on how it grows its granted~
Its those first and most important years of learning
That lay the foundation within a child~
And all a child takes in so deeply within
Remaines that soul for life all the while~
Attitudes are then taught and formed
In those first years of learning~
Its back then it first lights that souls candle
And for life deeply within it is always burning~
Those very first impressive learning years as a child
Depending what and how they then learn
If they did or did'nt know love and of God above
Tells if they'll know happiness or for it they'll yern~
Those very first years of learning for a child
Becomes the child within they'll always know~
Its those very first years of happiness and tears
And thus the tree shall grow~

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 1988 .. 2018
Little children all start their lives
With every chance that be~
But subjected to the conditions around them
No real difference than a newly planted tree~
Its those first important years for a child
When they first become who they are~
And with what they learn in those very first years
Will remain within them as they go far~
No different than a newly planted tree
It will only grow due to to where its planted~
And if the soil is rich or poor
Depends on how it grows its granted~
Its those first and most important years of learning
That lay the foundation within a child~
And all a child takes in so deeply within
Remaines that soul for life all the while~
Attitudes are then taught and formed
In those first years of learning~
Its back then it first lights that souls candle
And for life deeply within it is always burning~
Those very first impressive learning years as a child
Depending what and how they then learn
If they did or did'nt know love and of God above
Tells if they'll know happiness or for it they'll yern~
Those very first years of learning for a child
Becomes the child within they'll always know~
Its those very first years of happiness and tears
And thus the tree shall grow~

Terrence Michael Sutton
Just wish there was a communication or way of .. Those wishing to being able to write each other .. Email etc .. Be wonderful ..Poets ( as if a family )
Love 2 U and yours ..
Little children all start their lives
With every chance that be~
But subjected to the conditions around them
No real difference than a newly planted tree~
Its those first important years for a child
When they first become who they are~
And with what they learn in those very first years
Will remain within them as they go far~
No different than a newly planted tree
It will only grow due to to where its planted~
And if the soil is rich or poor
Depends on how it grows its granted~
Its those first and most important years of learning
That lay the foundation within a child~
And all a child takes in so deeply within
Remaines that soul for life all the while~
Attitudes are then taught and formed
In those first years of learning~
Its back then it first lights that souls candle
And for life deeply within it is always burning~
Those very first impressive learning years as a child
Depending what and how they then learn
If they did or did'nt know love and of God above
Tells if they'll know happiness or for it they'll yern~
Those very first years of learning for a child
Becomes the child within they'll always know~
Its those very first years of happiness and tears
And thus the tree shall grow~

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2018
Messina Giuseppe Jan 2020
The  germ of a seed is a small poem, and it becomes great if it is said and written with Love, it sips and refreshes water, beyond the objective of uncertainty, it will not find artificial interference, or if in the time it will exposes itself under the sun it will remaines in its youth, ****** and pure will be its flowering, like delicious fruits it will form words that are a littling affected in every aspect. Among the pensive marshes of my worries I will find in many sentences shady rhymes and I will make them new and harmonious poems. I will take the pink rose counting all its petals and leaves, painting the poems in the lines of a story even if in crumpled sheets I will write long prose Nor will I ever reject my poem if before I will have not item well inculcated to others before being sacrificed to the judgment of a human, it will be the novel of the eternal will and I will draw my verdict, before I can fathom its fate and can meet maybe even his sweet death and maybe fate will galopp his future decline.

The seed germ The seed germ is a small poem, and it becomes large if it is said and written with Love, it sips and refreshes the water, beyond the objective of uncertainty, it will not find artificial interferences, or if the time when he will be exposed under the sun will remain in his youth, ****** and pure will be its flowering, as delicious fruits will form words that are a little affected in every aspect. Among the pensive swamps of my worries I will find in many sentences shaded rhymes and transform them into new and harmonious poems. I will take the pink rose counting all its petals and leaves, painting the poems in the lines of a story even if in wrinkled sheets I will write for a long time in prose Nor will I ever reject my poetry if before I do not have the object well inculcated to others before to be sacrificed to the judgment of a human being, will be the novel of the eternal will and I will draw my verdict, before I can understand his destiny and be able to meet perhaps even his sweet death and perhaps fate will gallop his future decline.

— The End —