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O N N Feb 2015
På vejen med Gyldne træer
                       Idyliske huse
                       Ensomme søvnfyldte øjne

En vej kun Forundt de færeste
                  Forfulgt af de fleste

Rejsen dertil er Hård

Men også

Den kan kun fuldføres på enehånd
Kun jeg kan komme igennem

Denne vej kræver respekt
                      Respekten for at klare rejsen
                      Respekten for at ofre alt
                      Respekten for at stå alene tilbage

Jeg står nu foran målstrejen
                              Et fatamogana
         ­                     De sørgeliges paradis

Var det rejsen værd?
Jeg bor nu på de fortabtes gang nr 4
Det er en normal dag
Med mit es i tænkeren.

Udødelig tryghed.

Rejsen mod esset dækker mine tanker,
Som et lagen af frihed.
Lagnet varmer mere og mere jo tættere destinationen nærmer sig.
Da jeg når destinationen
Bliver jeg genforenet med mit es

Udødelig frihed

Vi vasker vores sociale vasketøj
Og stier ud mod horisonten.

Udødelig **Harmoni.
I. (The Real Poetry).

All these notions but nothing on the page.
Haven't we heard it all before?
Impetus from departed greats
wash ashore in our brains
but when confronted with an void white meadow
our hands go numb,
glued to the roof of a freezer.
This idea of mine is big, challenging,
but so far only a few thousand letters
have made ***** snow angels.
In its place, poetry.
Swifter to write, to read.
No rhymes usually,
just haphazard feelings lurching out my head
like a turquoise waterfall.
Sure I pace round the room
waiting for the next line to evolve
but who doesn't?
I write about real people,
people I speak to, people I know.
Do they know it's them when they skim my work?
Perhaps yes.
Perhaps they don't read them.
Perhaps best for all of us.
The book remains unseen, incomplete
while real poetry rushes into the world
like another superfluous boy band
playing more vapid pop.
Numb them instead.

II. (The Wind).

On a bench
in the garden
I sit with her
as she rests her frizzy Goldilocks
on my shoulder
and says I shouldn't go on Sunday.
A few years younger,
sweet and out of bounds.
Out. Of. Bounds.
So why am I holding her hand?
Doesn't mind from what I can tell.
She likes me.
No she can't.
When does 'the other side' ever like this?
I've told her about the one back home,
how she could be superseded.
I'll disclose, for a while now
I've seen photographs
and wondered what if,
what if the same way too feeling
snaked up the ladders
and throttled me?
What would her sister say?
'He's only been here four days
and look at him, cuddling
the queen of yesteryear.'
Her sister comes out, surprise, joins us.
Say no words, look at stars overhead.
The direction of the wind is altering.
Must be.
I unzip my eyes.

III. (The Sun and the Moon).

Half eight
a year or so in the distance
on a Wednesday morn.
A car.
Neither of us can drive as I write.
One of us is about to though.
To meet friends.
Another reason?
A show.
A show of sun and moon.
A sporadic delight like a white Christmas.
I say to P it's one of those events
that must be attended.
I'm what, twenty-one?
She's gotta be twenty-four, five?
When will this ever come about again?
Have to acquire this chance.
He says if she'll be aware of the poem,
the one I scrawled down some time ago.
Doubt it, but you never know.
You never know.
Maybe it's true.
A young, beautiful girl
with a hat and a guitar.
There's something you don't see every day.
To the city.
*Rejsen begynder.
Written: May 2012.
Explanation: This collection of three short poems were written in my own time, taking much longer than normal to complete. The first of the three poems refers to my life at the moment; how I long to write prose but how I am finding poetry easier and quicker to come by. The second poem refers to a recent dream I had involving a friend of mine whom I have not seen in a long time. Upon awaking, I was quite startled at what the dream had been about. The third poem refers to a recent lengthy daydream in which me and a friend at some point in the future decide to go and see the Danish singer Soluna Samay, who is giving a rare performance in London for some reason. The final line translates from Danish as 'the journey begins.' I chose the title 'The Current' for this piece as the three separate poems above refer to current/recent thoughts and things in my life.
O N N Feb 2015
Sæt farten ned
Du har god tid
Du går glip af det vigtige
Rejsen varer ikke for evigt

Tempoet skal op
Det er ikke nok
Det skal være bedre
Kæmp for helvede, kæmp


Hvorfor så travl
Sæt dig ned
Nyd livet
Du har fortjent det

Målet er tæt på
Jeg skal bare give den en skalle
Jeg er der snart
Jeg skal gøre det *

— The End —