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Silver Star Jan 2013
I have done so much in this many battles have been fought. Barely escaping the cold hands of "HIM" at the dusk of every ****** war...I came home to you. Only to be rediculed for my absence. I give you pounds of gold and take for myself a coin...but that wasnt good enough for you. Misery. How i wish i could escape it...and yet...i love it. My soul is battered and torn. Unmentionable immense pain. It strengthens my spirit but deteriorates  my soul. Who is to heal this old soul?  Who is to lift the veil of the worlds allowing me to dive deep into the waters of satisfaction?
She will be beautiful. Goddess in every aspect. She will hold me to the skies and pray aloud for a healing rain.
She will be the night sky to my moon...allowing me to be noticed once more. She will be the Sun to my day...allowing me to flourish and reflect her light upon me...making the clear night sky shine. She will balance my strength so I am not overwhelmed by my fears. She will be...
Fitting the discription of all I ever wanted
Owner of the glass slipper
All I ever needed
Armor of
You are the armor for this knight. The reason why I challenge the beasts. Without you...I have no purpose. I have no goals. I am just a vessel. I give my life to you. My ALL. My dreams, my mornings, my identity, my leftovers and the first bite. You are my everything...I love you.
Will you marry me?
Sirenes May 2016
"You're a social person
And you do approach men
Yet never enough
For them to know for sure
That they have your favour
You always leave it in the middle
You do make known
Who you like the most
But never exactly how much
Are you just friends
Do you need more time
Are you looking for proof
What does a man have to do?"

In a flash I feel it again
A set of gentle hands
On my hips
As I danced the night away
And I hear it again
A firm "no"
Yet he did nothing wrong
That was not my finest hour
I wonder if he gathered
All his courage to do that.
sorry, it's really not you

And then it came to me
The mindset:
It never works out anyway
The result of being rediculed
In your first relationship.
Well done ex, well done.
Best friends are the sweetest therapists
Been through tough times
Toughest I pray they ever will be.

They are not to compare with youthful years in Robben Island - Locked away
Yet the hearts that felt the pounding can measure it so.

Been broken beyond repairs.

Been rediculed far more than the storm which rides my disaster
But in all
I pursue at glory
Cos hope got me still sticking in there
Since the flesh that embodies the phoenix still holds.

— The End —