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Muted Jun 2018
on a crisp, clean morning in the fall of 2008,  i was happy.
i walked to class, textbooks in hand.
I could almost feel the earth shifting underneath my combat boots.
I was excited to showcase my new haircut,
reaveal my new and improved self to the world.
I'll never forget when the handsome, bright eyed boy who sat behind me in first period called me a d*ke.

You see, from the very beginning, I was taught that having a ***** made me
just a girl.
Made me just a maid,
just a cook,
just a someday wife and mother,
just a dainty, pink ribbon,
just a punchline,
just an orifice,
is an ode to the parts of me
that no soul has ever truly desired to understand.
this is working just as hard as a man.
this is ******* with the lights on,
assuming my position,
stepping away from the kitchen.
this is burning my big girl ******* and going commando, instead.
this is scrubbing his DNA from my body and reclaiming it.

When you exist in a world
where you are instructed to keep your mouth shut,
your strongest desire is to open it,
as wide as a cavern.
Here, where we are told that we
think too much,
feel too much,
love too much,
we long to be enough.
this is being enough.
this is learning to love myself unapologetically.
this is finding comfort in my body,
despite all of the glass shards
i find myself plucking from it.
this is loving myself into
an ******, so heavy,
that it makes me feel
like a *****
is the most profound thing
a person can have.
Dorothy A Jul 2010
Polished to perfection
Just like marble
A museum piece
A work of art
Like ancient sculpture
In a gallery
My mask

Porcelain smooth
Sanded and coated
Becomes my mask
With my new features

The mask does not
Reaveal my wrinkles
Or any scars
I do have

I wear it
Whenever needed
Stoic and proud
My shield of armor

Don't you dare
See my sorrow!
Don't you dare
Discover my pain!
Or my faults
Or my weaknesses

Plaster on the outside
May be the mask
But vibrant to the core
Is the soul

The soul not hidden
It finds a way
To the surface
Like the sun
Shines from out
Of the thick, dark clouds,
Thick as fog

Masks crack
People rip them off of us
And nakedness is exposed
To yourself, a monster
The phantom
The devil, himself

To others it is a reminder
Of only themselves
The need to be masked
Calls us all
To cover up
To wear a veil
So others wont laugh at us,
Or judge us
Or make demands on us
Or cry with us

Shedding the mask
Reveals a confession
Who am I kidding?
Why must I hide?
Why am I afraid I'll be so frightening?
Am I more special than you?
The worst of the worst?

No, I am not

The sun cannot be shielded
By chronic darkness
For it will spill out of its prison
To burst out and dispel
Even the blackest of shame

When the Sun commands the Darkness
to scatter
Masks no long work
For self-preservation
Only the rats and their plagues
Run for cover
But we bask in the Light

Like that sustaining sun
Is the soul our sustaining core
When the soul peeps out
Like the sun
It shows a human being much more lovely
Than any mask
Designed for perfection
I am sorry l scared her with my anger and she wept bitterly in pain.    The soul of my blues soaked into water pine I feel really shattered not even hope can rise my spirit again bcus the rain is very much deep. Mother,l want her to reaveal my grief and give me her arms again just for once like it was yesterday when birds sang songs in our laughter.forgive me my holy mother and send her this tears on your table.its all draging me into the wind of death

— The End —