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Michael Parish Oct 2013
I found a bone inside some blades of grass.
Could it be Ozymydias the poets dead king?
It must of been the knite who slayed his terror.
I was alone when his steel blade took my life.
Helplessly I heard the grave become my works.
The stone I read out loud around overgrown weeds
Soon opened up, and I tried to run away.
The yellow eyes like a demons eyes,  met my face.
the darkness in his corpse began surounding every grave.
My breath was cold, my shaking body froze as if he had a gun.
Then he ozymydias began to yell at my dying soul.
"Im ozymydias, read my works, Forget me and I will return".
"Few contempoarys have spoken to me, they who remember me
have my mark".  

My arm became a lake of flames.  
His claws penetrated my skin.
On my arm I saw his name.
In me now is ozymydias
the poets dead king.

I took his bone and ranaway,
And at my house I threw it
In the fire place.  I watched
it burn like a horrible book.
Satandra Asberry Apr 2017
I push away the ones that try to love me
Because the way I've been loved is painful to see
So please dont try to love me i have no clue how to love you
I runaway from love thats just what i do
Love don't love nobody all i end up is hurt and in pain
Wondering why I chose to love you faulting myself I take the blame
That pain that i suffered from love in my life
Caused alot of heartache and unbearable strife
As a child i had no one who truly loved me
I was a sacrifice as a child for my family to live free
I ranaway from the painful situation I was in
Ran into a older man who beat me to show his love for me within
I never knew that love in my life would hurt this much
I never knew that love will keep me within lusting for that touch
What i tried to do is bury my heart so it cant be hurt again
Not knowing that there's a possibility a person can try to mend
The feeling that if pain is love i don't want it at all
Everytime I was loved by anyone i always seem to fall
I guard myself from love or anyone trying to love me
For me love is a choice not to be taken for granted is how its supposed to be

— The End —