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Reliance brings me to the assurance of psychy:
For me 'hardiness' is even a colourful Garment of my unpleasant days;
Whose each seam is sewn
By the modish touch of mother's gracious hand!
Rai Oct 2018
She was in a hurry as she left home that day
Duvet lay crumpled on the floor where it fell as she rushed from her slumber
How could she have forgotten
This moment
The day she had waited for for so long never really believing it would happen
What a day for the alarm clock to give up the ghost
She knew she should of set the alarm on her phone
But hey
She walks down the street
A street that is embedded into her psychy
It’s been good here
The neighbours are more like family
She wondered if she would ever find a place like this again
The day was overcast but you could see a glimmer of light willing itself out from behind murky clouds
At the train station she was greeted by a rather stern face
She smiled anyway and went through the process of buying her ticket
Just at that moment she turned and caught a glimpse of him
She climbed the steps to the platform
He held out a hand
She would never go back this time
His eyes felt like home
His embrace felt like heaven

— The End —