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Everything is such fun in the beginning,
when it’s new and undiscovered.
i’ll try almost anything.

What is meant by almost?
All these stupid sick **** roles we play,
all this pretending, why?

i want to believe there’s something
behind the curtain
besides a windowless stone wall

Something inexplicable
his/her majesty of everything/
living/dead/never existed.

William Blake said, “Either be a poet or a painter.
Being both muddies audiences, and discredits one or the other.”
Actually, Blake didn’t say that. i am lost.

is it possible to love after what has happened?
the rage, hurt, disappointment of betrayal.
my ex still stalks

as recently as two mornings ago,
all her exaggerations, over-reactions, fury.
Why so desperate to return to crime scene?

An admission of her own guilt?
Excessive compulsive wound licking (psychogenic alopecia)?
Another excuse for getting drunk?

When we waited for the elevator going down
You said, “Let’s just get this over with.”
i understood completely.

i, who worships my own death.
i, who ****** on my own grave.
i, who gets bored faster than speed of light.

i, who suspects killing around every corner.
i, who sleeps restless.
i, who worries.

i, who loves women.
i, who does not understand women.
i, who is a woman.

i, who bangs the dude in L.A. to advance my career.
i, who is a nobody.
i, a man with no place to stand.

i, who belongs to a family of
blustering flirts, flatterers,
kidders, thieves.

We sit at the table,
monkey-wrenching hand over fist lives.
Forget about the eyes.

Watch the fingers.
Don’t listen to the speeches.
Words are intentional distractions.

Where’s your wallet?
Gypsies? No, we’re not gypsies,
more upper-crusty, yes, very well-connected secrets.

Do the names Dante, or Cervantes, or Nabokov mean anything to you?
No, none of them are our kin,
but we know people who know people,

infidelities in very high places.
All i’m saying is,
once you reach a certain level,

we’re all family.
i will make success happen,
with or without you.
Israa Mar 2015
You’re a hypnotic nightmare; you’re a broken dream
A superficial fracture of an unwanted scheme
You’re a psychogenic hallucination; a schizophrenic mutation
Of a mind that’s disturbed by its own abomination
When do you end and the other begins?
Or does the other begin when you end?
Questions that haunt an ever waking man
Are you the distant voice, or is your voice the one that’s heard
When was it that you wanted your roles to reverse?
Is it a disease that spreads to all of humanity?
Is being two faced nowadays a necessity?
Losing one’s self has become of the norm
But when was having DID considered a way to conform
Stop trying to blend into the background of clones
Take off your masks, your wigs, and your press on nails
You can depend on your own true self when all else fails
Take off your designer clothes, designer bags and shoes
Eradicate all the things that don’t define you
For once in your life show who you really are
For once in your life
Be you.
Stevie Oct 2021
We all know the bullets have no name,
Murdered by a gunshot wound is the game,
But who is really to blame,
The gang, the armed person, the police,
Screaming for justice, begging them to help us, please,

See we all know that bullets have no aim,
But there always a name to be convicted or claimed,
Whether it a white victim that has no media fame,
But when it's black or Asian victim, a cop is framed,

See we all disagree or agree that racism is systemic,
But don't you see that race is governmental war, is catastrophic,
Maybe is all polemic,
That culture and race, is the source and problematic,
That human race isn't one at all, but in a state of psychogenic,
Believing in a justice or higher power,
That hating on the opposite for there history,
Will give them absolute power,
But yet it's still very much contradictory.

See I maybe the best friend or every label you know,
But I prefer Truth and honest,
Over the fiction and built upon lies,
That run our lives from now, delivering that deathblow,
Cause everything is comparable, but nothing is ever modest,
Cause even anger, happiness, murdered or natural, everything dies.

See in most cultures, you are disowned,
From your family if you're dishonest,
In some countries, you get ******,
For crimes as promised.

I don't hate communities, cults or religion,
Cause even in beliefs that committed crimes of Indigen,
See everything has morals,
But still destroying our ocean corals,
God's and Goddess are mortals,
But never seen by any portals,
I don't belief in the messages they spread,
Or the pages that wrote to be read.

See I believe in Deities not Gods or Goddess's,
I believe in Mother Nature and connections,
I thrive upon hatred and goodness,
Cause personally it's all in reflections,
I still hold faith that humans are my brothers and sisters,
But love my wild brothers and sisters more,
Whether am wounded or full of blisters,
Free my spirit, run with the pack, even in Wolf's lore.

See I don't have bullets, but I have a name,
I don't have a game, does that me being lame,
Even to connect me to humanity, just to blame,
Here a gun, a knife, even a match start the flame,
Yes am white, blue eyes, even dark hair,
But am I really to blame for how other treat you, is that fair,
You're religious or hateful, condemned for the one I love,
Should I really show that I care,
Or fear my eternity, because of someone above,
Or dismiss a book of common prayer.

See I don't judge like the mortals,
I live life by jumping each hurl, walking through portals,
See I don't care what's your religion, gender or ****** orientations,
live life by waking up, examining each daily collations,
See I refuse to see skin colour and culture,
Just to focus on mine, also dream of a better world in the future,
See the only joke I see is the news and social media,
Creating the world, that is known as Acedia,
So you want to say something is woke,
Then wake up and break the yolk,
So you want to say something is phobic,
Learn the definitions, become presbyopic.

So blame it all on Race,
Play the victim, government just played the Ace,
You scream you're angry at those in power,
But you're lover cheated, now you're acting sour,
So you want blame all society,
Playing the victim, relying on government or law compliancy,
So you want to blame homosexuality,
All cultures suffer from father absently,
So you want to blame religion,
Acting like another generation carrier pigeon,
We can blame the cancel culture,
Removing freedom of speech, basic human rights,
Say good bye to our future,
Cause nothing going to be same, but the Northern Lights,

— The End —