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Raiven Everett Jul 2018
never to be in my ball court
As others take and have taken
pity on the person who speaks of a father
As a pathetic place never to return
Predenoted titles of insecure or unstable
Chucked at me like a simple game of dodgeball
As impact was made each rooted me to
The pain staking portion of my past

Always seemed to stared at in remorse
Never to be seen as anything more than anxiety
Those eyes to haunt my current and past
As titles get chucked my way even more
As the old soaks in
As if a sponge to reality can take another blow
The dark times spoken of in my words
Only shine of beauty to those who don't understand
They don't see the chains
Holding me down to the ball of their predestined titles
As darkness shields my eyes
safety was sought as someone to understand
Seemed to slip away hopes of mine
The time which one tried to understand me
Shook loose as I proved they didn't
Couldn't comprehend my pain
Left in its place was that word of unstable
My past
Proven to be dark
Iratates me as no one sees my current
Besides those open to the idea of life
Beyond borders of past
For those people
Who can truly feel the ringing of my words
I gratitude
As my story may finally
Be seen through that of darkest of times
My ideals change from darkness and misery
To longing of the next adventure
No longer chained by the ball of reality
I write within these words
A slow depleation of those who live
In and for the darkness
For those who are trapped or for those in fear
Must believe you are not alone
As you are people who shine brightest in my eyes
As you all are the ones with a story worth reading
for the eternity to come
Words silenced by society
Rise like the flames
And burn those predeemed titles
Prove you are more than that dark time
Spread to the society that so many are bound to in their mind
Flames of no pain
But rather
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
Fill inside the box
Rhyme a few words to society's rythmm
Repeat as if a nature to set aside a story
Dignified declining the beat of another
Just setting it to subside
No more
My story deserves its own time to unfold set
To a beat not of society's drum
But to the way i want my words to flow
My story does not stop
At the predenoted titles once thrown at me
My battle never ends
Fighting with my mind
Much more angled to hurt
Than the words of the shunned from society
This is the rise of the outcast
The one from shadows
Finally speak of a way many do not understand
Manipulate the words to the way of my symphony
Drops the disgust and add your words
Away from the disguise of humanity and society
Into the own adventure of words
Where the dragons and Phoniex fly
No longer bound by the words chosen before them
By the foggy shorelines as the sirens sing
Let's meet there
As the symphony of our words
Mixes with the Sirens lovely song
And the crashing of the waves
With the sound of
Final Freedom
Raiven Everett Aug 2018
White Dragon Boy 
eyes glistening upon the sky 
Swirling and flying along in Avalon
Free as ever was
Knowing the world finally set you free
To your actual form 
White dragon boy
With eyes as green as emeralds 
The scales telling a story 
For my lifetimes to learn 
Soar high white dragon boy
As your feet transform back to talons 
May you release the fangs 
And rip yourself from death's claws 
White dragon boy fly high 
And let those brilliant scales
Glisten your form on all 
Who love you 
Saying to them your melody of roars 
White dragon boy
Your life take by another 
But your mind always yours 
As the symphony you sing transforms 
It's sings the song of relief
Flying free from predenoted titles 
Of the human vessel
To form into the roars of who you are 
White Dragon Boy 
Soar high 
And roar your symphonies loud

— The End —