After visiting the lava-tree
I washed my hands with toile-trees
The weather outside, was sort of win-tree
Affording me no pleasan-trees
As my thoughts become arbor-tree
But hear no words of bigo-tree
So studied the elemen-trees
Looking for some asymme-tree
I sat within a conserva-tree
As i pondered on the fores-tree
Wishing to write something complemen-tree
It all became a mys-tree
I thought for a while on trigonome-tree
And the sciences of chemis-tree
Got completely lost in microcircui-tree
So sent myself to Coven-tree
So i'll finish this piece of coque-tree
As dwell upon my ances-tree
As i delve into lost his-tree
Then return again to the lava-tree!
by Jemia