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Koray Feyiz Oct 2016
I closed my eyes against the trouble
a window was opened in front of it; I am able
to know you, sundries that are large and small
of the houses, the dead left behind us
The beatles playing on the radio wings
your tired and sweaty horses instantly
the horses waiting saddled to the blues
to which I bridled, on the plain of my heart
You mouths look like the men with clumsy hair
who whipped wind-up toys in childhood in the streets  
your fruits taste like the rapt, sourish friendships
while they are gathering for the morning
They got lost at full gallop with the longing
for their youthfulness days they lost
your horses whose manes were embroidered
with unhappiness, an escapee wind in their pillions
I am pulling you into the shallows of the sea
without hurting, into a minaret of fairy
while the old clowns of our hearts
drowning of happiness in an evening

Koray Feyiz
(Translated from Turkish by Koray Feyiz)
KV Srikanth Apr 2021
Violence inherent
Quality of Silence
Tests Endurance
Of real Emotions

Causes interpretations
Never stands evidence
Delivered judgements
Polarized due to providence

Present in Abscence
Abscence in Presence
Logical even in Paradox
Healing and Toxic unorthodox

Silence of the mind
Lifetime of blessing
Imposed on words
Disguised and ambiguous

Real and fake
What one makes
Often misunderstood
What the other takes

Ignore and respect
Silence at ones behest
Both roles perfect
Functional Duality
Questions our Morality
Interpretations infinity

First word learnt
At home and class
Reaches target
Perspective forget

Brings with it Quiet
Along with self respect
Double edged sword
Cuts without a word

Blows the ear
Loud and clear
Silence with it words
Unspoken but heard

Sounds and Words
Spoken and heard
Fights with Silence
Looses patience

Silence brings Silence
Sounds noises as pillions
For it to bring meaning
Add an honest emotion

— The End —