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Bridgette Sydney Nov 2011
He has been seeing someone
I asked and only lying cards were dealt.

With my heart broken, deflated in my
I begin to wonder if I should lay myself to rest.

I watch my life now, through an old whiskey
drinking till I find hope at the bottom.

Turning it up so the liquid coats my
My eyes roll back as it flows through my veins.

The taste of my emotions leave my mouth
I turn the bottle back higher in the sky.

Tears leak from my poisoned
as slowly all memories begin to die.

More tears than that from a broken
tears for my life, and my time to depart.

I let all my demons fill my
with an ear-pierceing laugh as I plan my demise.

Will my mother cry when she gets the
or solemnly explain "She caused her fall."?

Will my father sob when he sees the
"The one that lies here died all alone"?

Will my sister crumble down to the
or stand tall and whisper "She chose that door"?

Will he see me and remember the love he
or walk on by as I gasp on the floor?

Will I miss this cold air I
or realize I'd rather been buried pale?

Will I miss myself, and the one I've grown to
or discover premature death was my fate?

I have made my choice, the one that changes it
to step away from the edge and refuse the fall.

But this smile can stay on my face no
while I sit here weak and my demons grow stronger.

With the taste of whiskey stll in my
the choice I made I begin to doubt.

I hold the gun against my
and think of what's to become when I'm dead.

I hear someone open the
and off goes the gun as I fall to the floor.
Solaces Feb 2014
My dragon nose has caught the scent of the creature that awaited me at the end of the bridge.. I could see him running as I closed my eyes and captured its scent. The creature is a type of ogre that feeds on humans. My dragon ears could now hear the screams of a village not to far from here. The creature has gone through the village and taken a young boy.

I sprint through the dark forest ever so quietly.. This will be my first hunt as a dragon.. I will not let this ogre harm that young boy. I pass the village where the boy was taken.. I heard screams yet again as I passed on through. I could only imagine what I look like running by..

My Dragon nose picked up a fire being built by the ogre.. I could smell the fear in the young boy building up.. With great stealth I came upon the ogre's camp.. He had already built the fire high using some sort of oil.. The child was very scared and did not look like a human from back home. He had a dark shiny color to his skin.. I suppose the humans left here on this world have also changed with it to better survive its harsh conditions.

The ogre then picked up an axe type weapon and walked toward the child.. His tounge licked all around his gray face.. With no sound at all I swayed my dragon body behind the ogre and stood tall.. The young boys eyes opened in awe and fear.. The ogre slowly turned around and saw what the kidnapped boy had saw.. The ogre dropped his axe and tried to run.. I struck him down and bit into his body.. My dragon teeth had no problem pierceing the tough skin of the ogre. His blood ran down both sides of my mouth! I for some reason loved the taste!
Toward the shadows
Tammy Louima Mar 2013
Within the space of mind you dwell
wating, watching for the slightest bit of light
you watch, quietly lurking , antisapaiting fun
eyes pierceing the darkness
teeth as sharp as a knife
you see it in the far distance

You wait quietly antisipating...
it moves closer,closer
inching it's way toward the light
NO! block the light, block the monster!

He moves so quickly now
sliding like a snake, slithering on the floor of my mind
ready to attack, wating to attack
Fear rises
washing away the light
Defeat washes over me
He's won once again
The darkness once again

— The End —