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John Lock Jan 2018
How cool the woodland carpet feels
Under tender barefoot heels
Days of laughter, childhood rambles
Emerging from the leafy brambles
Over the stile and down the dell
Breathing the dark mushroomy smells
Sandra, Davy, me and Jill
Climb the ***** to Pendle Hill
Buttercup pollen on calf and shoe
Whisper grass still wet with dew
Up and down we ran and ran
"Catch me; catch me, if you can”
Cross-legged in the birch tree shade
Stolen apples, lemonade
The happy times I remember still
Of summertime on Pendle Hill
Tired from racing chasing games
We gather round the campfire flames
Tell the tales of pirates bold
Of sailing ships and Spanish gold
High above this fabled land
You snuggle close and take my hand
Safe and warm from twilights chill
First love bloomed on Pendle Hill.
Tony Luxton Mar 2016
Like a maestro on her rostrum
she waves her arms, conducting
a symphony of clouds and sun,
synchronizing showers with sleet and snow.

Or a white witch casting her spells
on Lakeland fells and Pendle Hill,
from Morecambe Bay to Liverpool,
where slave ghosts haunt the cotton coast,
from Merseyside to Manchester,
then chants she changes over Cheshire.

She weaves her isotherms and bars
through the warp and weft of our map,
wreathing those Western Approaches,
where siren sea nymphs shimmer.
Lancaster Castle, partly built in the 13th century and enlarged by Elizabeth I, stands on the site of a Roman garrison. Lancaster Castle is well known as the site of the Pendle witch trials in 1612. It was said that the court based in the castle (the Lancaster Assizes) sentenced more people to be hanged than any other in the country outside of London, earning Lancaster the nickname, "the Hanging Town".[18]....(nicked from Wikipedia)

I am skint
bin t' bank
'and not a Franc or Sou for you',
they said,
I'm not fussed,
been bust before
just have to work and
earn some more.

Thee can't be hung more than once tha' knows.
topaz oreilly Nov 2012
Ailsa Craig, Ailsa Craig. Ailsa Craig
Why can't  I have you instead of
what a favorite of the showbench.
Give me Leak the Lyon anytime
in favour of Pendle Improved.
Onions are for eating,
flavour is more important
to hell who wins on the show day.

— The End —