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Harry clute Jul 2017
One voice of substance one view of true vision one moment from one's true self to deliver of something of connection a gesture of good will an extension of kindness to others in despair elements of honor that once more must rise above and beyond the indifference of opion
All I feel in this very moment,
And yet I don't know how you feel
In this very moment
How odd.
I wonder if it will be cold outside tommorrow?
But it might be very hot for you.
How odd.
We've never met
Most likely never will.
And yet somehow
I can imagine you
A faint vision.
No details
But all I know is that's you.
I like you.
No voice
No opion
But yet you influence me to do my best
Without saying a word
All you are is a concept
But to you so am I
How odd.
Thank you
Whoever you may be
Because you've inspired me to do great things
Just by being you
How odd.
I never write about anything in particular, I start with how I feel and let my brain wonder this is a very clear example of that.

— The End —