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Bobby Houston Jun 2016
Digeridoos are back in stock
Said the notice in the bric-a-brac shop
Are the West of Scotland Numpties
On their own Dreamtime quest?
Are they contemplating their navels
Through the holes in their stringvest?
Could they realize their chip-papers
Hold the answer to their havers
And the Buckfast in the Hand gripped
Tight is causing calluses in the brain.
Corks dangling from their hats
Swinging like disorientated bats
In ryhthm to the dance of delirious tremor
The adrenaline is pumping.
Mossies no, but midgies, aye,
A stark contrast to the Kappa motifs;
Are the natives going walkabout,
In the local run-down mall?
Calling everyone mate,
In an accent you love to hate
Walkabout, lost in the wilderness
Wandering through the bush.
Outback here there ain’t no
Crocodiles, only quilted, padded cells.
Hand to wall a red imprint,
Not paint, my boy, but blood.
This lot would embarrass any Aborigine
Because they havnae got
An original thought.
Graeme & Robert Houston (c) March 2002
Inspired by my home town of Kilmarnock, this poem was a joint effort with my son.
Yenson Jul 2019
They call it
putting fleas in head,
worms in ears
sowing seeds of doubts
overloading the minds
I bother read at all
I laugh myself silly
puerile antics of my inferiors
on master's orders
wasting their mediocre lives
in a futile exercise showcasing their limited views
their painful ignorance and their state of minds
what happy fulfilled person
becomes a contemptible troll bully
most especially to someone
of a higher caliber.
the most stupid and afflicted ones
those desperadoes, shamed, backwards
with really unhappy lives, looking
for distractions and diversions
would do as such
Tell you something
nothing you do alters
anything about me
I can go today and bring a lady home
I have the skills and the means
I know this
so go find something you can be proud off
go enrich your lives, if I die today
I can look back and say
My, I showed others
what strength, balance, courage
intelligence, smartness, dignity
and bravery is all about
and in my time
I made love to some
lovely ladies and they all
said 'Wow, nobody has ever loved me like this before'
Heck! I am special, that's it, just a one off.

On second thoughts, you all better continue what you are doing
Only the great and super talented have Haters,
you won't go hate on a homeless person or another nonentity like yourselves
So, get on with it
and why is the Italian angle being neglected
comon, get with the program,
You are mine....remember
do a piece about how he has a big ****
and ***** her all night

now I have to remind useless idiots how to do their skits
Dear me, how does one train schmucks ....
Yenson Oct 2019
Uber morons of marshmallow county
the year eight reject and Comprehensive truants
think they have a snowflake like them to confuse
and in their playpen they pen nonsensical porridge for tea
some red uber pumpkin instructed them, faze him with doubts

here below is what doubt means
" a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction."
off course semi-illiterates don't know butter from Jam
what the feral rent-a-mob are trying to do is called

also referred to as reductio ad Stalinum, is an informal logical fallacy that intends to discredit the validity of an opponent's logical argument by accusing, denouncing, attacking, or persecuting an individual

That is what the Protection Money Racketeers
who tried extorting money to keep Royal secret
and then broke in and stole from us
and when we stood up to them decided to ruin us
slandering and defaming launching ***** racist campaign
so trolls of thieves and Mobsters go do your job

*  Negative campaigning or mudslinging is the process of deliberate spreading negative information about someone or something to worsen the public image of the described.
The expression discrediting tactics refers to personal attacks, for example in politics and court cases.
we all know this is what Thieves do, and feral mob you are
just dunces being used by the Thieves and East London Mobsters

**Whispering Campaign
A whispering campaign or whisper campaign is a method of persuasion in which damaging rumors or innuendo are spread about the target, while the source of the rumors seeks to avoid being detected while spreading them.

Ferals, racists and Numpties come do your worst
you,re nothing but ignoramuses in the pockets of thieves
you don't scare me one bit and you can't soften me up
I will not be gagged, bullied or intimidated
a family of racist crooks demanded Protection money to keep
secret my African Royal connection, I refused to pay
they broke into our flat and stole our property
I had the nerve to stand up to them, they did not expect this
because we are kind, decent gentle law-abiding
I said I was going to report them to the Council and get them evicted
The Thieving Racists Mobsters said I was the one that will leave their Country

They called on their underground connection
Told me and my wife, we are now Toast
Well I'm still here, come **** me
You all, your Gangs and all the uber-morons in your pockets..

Doubts where? you're not eliciting doubts
Your under-developed minds are being made toxic
You are involved in a Poison campaign, get your facts rights
and now poison is in your system and you can never be the same again
Because whether you like it or not you now know all about seeing poisons and negativity in innocent things

And that is to your detriment, they have corrupted your minds
and it will stay with you
If your partner say I love you, you can now think of ten reasons
why this may not be true or real, erstwhile clean minds has now
been stained,
You have ingested poison, it doesn't wash out, you've been contaminated, and that's sadly true.....
Go on....continue!!!
Yenson Jul 2019
the proven might of the gilded wit
one invalidated their invalidation's
leavings numpties with eggs on their faces
vomiting delusions of laughable posturings
reduced to those nodding heads on dashboards
plastic toys nodding in irrelevant nodding action
just doing for the sake of doing to appear relevant
puppets in revolution calling strings binding them power
Blue blood's simple living joke toys, engaging in self flagellation
sanity begs answers why expend such time effort money on nothing

yes, its because sterling greatness makes you feel so inconsequential
their spin has been made to engulf them and their stupidity exposed
their invalidation's has been invalidated leaving them  anachronistic
a pathetic gaggle of nodding heads doing for doing sake
eggs on their faces, eggs on their faces, eggs on their pale faces
The ordinaries and afflicted are the perfect soldier. They have great potential for aggression and a limited critical capacity - or none at all - with which to analyze it and judge how to channel it. Throughout history societies have found ways of using this store of aggression, turning simple minded people and their frustrated adolescents into soldiers, cannon fodder with which to conquer their enemies or defend themselves against their perceived  aggressors.

Can't you see,Jimmy?It's not a war about our freedom,it's a power struggle between rulers and bosses wanting more land,more power.The likes of you and me are just cannon fodder in their draft war.We should have nothing to do with it,let alone be supporting it! The only fight that concerns the working man is the one the trades unions are fighting against the bosses.That's the only struggle I'm bothered about and I don't give a toss if they're British bosses or German! .....
Yenson Sep 2019
Wounded weasels all conflicted
greened with envy matting's all covered in muck
bitter inadequate coward crawlers smarting with jealousy
nonentities devoid of any significance seeking to anesthetize their pain
the born paranoids trying to induce paranoia
the depressives of Europe, pill poppers unrivaled wanting converts
the inept socially unskilled and gauche plonkers talking love
***** buckets winnies picked ****** and dropped by numpties
talking about love of which they know nowt about
useless simpletons regurgitating asinine mind **** by dummies
low scales playing mind-games of the juvenile semi-illiterates
cliched jokes of oiks, hicks and inferiors in-matures
One black
they're still yapping like dogs
street laborers pitting witlessness
minds brought for a penny by indian taxi drivers
offering anodyne drama to their betters
boring ineffectuals chalkies
ignorant racists drunk on comic book anarchy
soap dodgers united looking for diversion
from their **** and diseased minds
contemptibles contempts
feeding times pale worms.........
Yenson Mar 2020
The gangsters of Crimson
tell us please about this Doubts malarkey
oh you Guvnor of the Eat End Mob

ye Gotcha, come listen..matey

we ain't Crooks, Con-artists and Extortioners for nothing
we are smart cookies, been in this game all our lives
listen matey, hear me
know what we said, slander is the main leveler
That patsy we have the contract on
the man is as straight as dye
innocent as the day is born
never did a thing wrong, no dirt did we find on him
decent nice upright upstanding fellow
as nice as apple pie and iced cream

But he had the gull to diss our trade
yes we are thieves and crooks and all time rotters
but he said he would expose us after we robbed the ******
others don't say ****, just claim insurance and shut their gob
but not this sunshine, the ****** called us out
he din't pay protection money
then moaned when we rob him blind, now he gets the treatment
don't mess with the Guvnor ye Mr Righteous

We have ways, first thing is to discredit the ******
its Character assassination, public humiliation, we ruin his life
so we slandered him from here to Timbuktu or where the darkies are
we told high tales and hyped the hell outta that patsy
you know how good the ******* are in spreading malicious gossips
we paid their leaders and sent them all out
wow! did they do a good job or what. it went down a treat
the punters swallowed every word, every defamation stuck like glue
even his mother would find it hard to love him
hahaha...think he could stand up to us

after all that malarkey and mud throwing
we now have to stalk and hound the ****** and make him loose his mind
Now listen here, you just can't go to the stupid punters
and say, hound that man, they ain't that stupid
so you give em a good story, nice fake news in juicy wrapper
you create a false scenario, nice word eh, got that from the TV
anyways, you sell the dopes some fake scenario
then tell them you are controlling the mud splatter royal star
tell the dopes anytime they see him they must do this or that
you get the demoralising mob trolls to write dirges and *******
till the day is long, tell them they are putting doubts in his mind
planting seeds to haze, hanker and give the ****** grieve
cause they are confusing him, as well as invalidating the c--t

You see bozos, what we are doing is relentlessly mobbing him
getting at him, snipping and chipping away, wearing him down
make him feel the whole world is against him
leave him isolated, friendless, hounded and helpless
we must make him **** himself for he is a non-criminal grass
and that's how we sort those goodie two shoes out
we poison their world till they poison themselves
we use the punters to drive him insane

Ah, clever or what, who says crooks and villains aren't clever
we are manipulating the stupid masses and they are eating outta our hands
we make them believe false scenario, get the numpties to do silliness
watch how they go for it, all convinced they are doing solidarity
listen my son, the only education you need is no ******* university
come learn from us, the people or punters, call em what you will
are as dumb and brainless as jellied eels
You steal their brains and their stupid minds
an tell them you are teaching them how to **** royal mind
they can't wait to cast 'doubts' on fuckall nothing doing

We know the game, we know the punters
that poor patsy hasn't got a chance
I tell you what though
this contract is the hardest we've ever done
we've put this ****** through the mill for yonks
given the whole nine yards and more to push him over the edge
Yet, the ******* still stands, laugh and even talk back
******* heck, this man must be an alien.......
Yenson Aug 2019
The simpletons of Snowdonia
declares they want to **** up his mind
put nonsense and jazzes in his head, the maggots says
now this is a journo as smart as they come in human nature
what real matured sophisticated lady would grandly declare
to a prospective suitor ' I've had loads of Indian lovers'
immediately you know this is out of order
just another junk to wrack the brain as loads of others
that the clever journo had already figured their intended planned use
laughing inwardly at simpletons trying mental manipulation
he played the fool and let dummies believe he was stupid like them
then the prime fools sought to hinge and anchor like their empty minds.
just put this with this and that with that and we have buttons and keys....what a pack of basic idiots
no point wasting time with uncouth street level numpties
we have nothing in common here, some misinformed anodynes
play Svengali of the lower class, because you live among-st them
I pulled the rag on nonsense
left eggs on their dumb faces
Surprisingly, they drosses haven't wised up yet
they still playing with themselves
still think they are controlling
still think gutter-rats and lowlifes
are Svengali and puppeteers
they know nothing of contempt
they have no self respect or self knowledge
they can't see the manupulated sheep they really are
yeah, indian lovers equals hate all indian
steal a car hate a neighbour
see black, hate black
dummies theories
as stupid as stupid gets.....
Yenson Feb 2020
With cumberband minds
force-fed at loonies lavish farye
they craved drama inglorious
oh! how they toiled and rucked
buzzing network and false gossips
placing and planting, plotting air
bent scribes with insipid triggers
nonsensical rhymes with no reasoning
seeds of doubts numpties are relaying
as if all stated has automatic entry and impact
too ignorant, they are simple and transparent
while being self-possessed, matured and wise
lifts you far from the maddening crowd
mind control by mindless cons and trolls
asinine moves by ***** movers
aroused hysteria of hysterical duds
dripping wet with anticipation
they awaited Drama
haha the schmucks
All They got is
I'm Done...
Psychological violence by malignant narcissists can include verbal and emotional abuse, toxic projection, stonewalling, sabotage, smear campaigns, triangulation along with a plethora of other forms of coercion and control. This is imposed by people who lacks empathy, are inadequate and unbalanced, demonstrates an excessive sense of entitlement and engages in interpersonal exploitation to meet their own needs at the expense of the right of others.
They want to  erode and diminish Your sense of self, you are relentlessly stalked, harassed and bullied by sicko abusers. this is a set-up for covert and insidious ****** of your psyche and sense of safety in the world. Mad racists, deranged sicko gangsters, stinking cheap common thieves and your militants ideologues simpletons loonies seeking relevance, the suckers are so transparent. The ******* keystone mafia  have to discredit, intimidate, terrorize, gag and gas-light to cover their crime, shame and inadequacies. You can't FOOL everyone, people are seeing you for what you are!!!
Yenson Mar 2020
The gangsters of Crimson
tell us please about this Doubts malarkey

we ain't Crooks, Con-artists and Extortioners for nothing
we are smart cookies, been in this game all our lives
listen matey, hear me
know what we said, slander is the main leveler
That patsy we have the contract on
the man is as straight as dye
innocent as the day is born
never did a thing wrong, no dirt did we find on him
decent nice upright upstanding fellow
as nice as apple pie and iced cream

But we have ways, first thing is to discredit the ******
its Character assassination, public humiliation, we ruin his life
so we slandered him from here to Timbuktu or where the darkies are
we told high tales and hyped the hell outta that patsy
you know how good the ******* are in spreading malicious gossips
we paid their leaders and sent them all out
wow! did they do a good job or what. it went down a treat
the punters swallowed every word, every defamation stuck like glue
even his mother would find it hard to love him
hahaha...think he could stand up to us

after all that malarkey and mud throwing
we now have to stalk and hound the ****** and make him loose his mind
Now listen here, you just can't go to the stupid punters
and say, hound that man, they ain't that stupid
so you give em a good story, nice fake news wrapped nicely
you create a false scenario, nice word eh, got that from the TV
anyways you sell the dopes some fake scenario
then tell them you are controlling the mud splatter royal star
tell the dopes anytime they see him they must do this
cause they are confusing him, or putting doubts in his mind

Ah, clever or what, who says crooks and villains aren't clever
we are manipulating the stupid masses and they are eating outta our hands
we make them believe false scenario, get the numpties to do silliness
watch how they go for it
listen my son, the only education you need is no ******* university
come learn from us, the people or punters, call em what you will
are as dumb and brainless as jellied eels
You steal their brains and their stupid minds
an tell them you are teaching them how to **** royal mind
they can't wait to cast 'doubts' on nothing doing

We know the game, we know the punters
that poor patsy hasn't got a chance
I tell you what though
this contract is the hardest we've ever done
we've put this ****** through the mill for yonks
given the whole nine yards and more to push him over the edge
Yet, the ******* still stands, laugh and even talk back
******* heck, this man must be an alien.......

— The End —