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Jose Rodriguez Feb 2016
A warm day in Amcher
On the sweet and sunny side of the world
Still people find a way to be sad
The wonderful walls stay warm
Still it seems they slide closer and closer
All is well when I wait with my fuzzywuz
Until the nuestions came and took it
Jose Rodriguez Feb 2016
The nuestions planted a forest of fear
I fed the forest fire like a feast for vikings
My path made clear by embers of passion
I entered the streets of tiperytao
Jose Rodriguez Mar 2016
The creatures of this city dump their trash in to the streets
I walk the ally slowly peeling gunk off of my feet
A six eyed giant asks me "child what do you seek?"
At first I think of running but his eyes take turns to blink
"I seek that which makes my life worth a ****, I think"
"If it's something of that value, nuestions surely grabbed it"
"Don't they understand that it's mine so I should have it?"
"Nothing is yours until you go through hell to earn it"
"It is a part of me and I have done plenty to deserve it"
Jose Rodriguez Apr 2016
As the alley ends I see a sign
The neon glow of "WhAt It Is"
bright enough to trap an eye
brick walls and weeds on a street
holes in a fence and trash at my feet
alien graffiti I can somehow read
This city it bleeds this city it needs
I get to the doors I open them up
men dressed as shapes just living it up
"where are the nuestions" I say through my teeth
each one of their necks snapped towards me
they smoothly slide across the room
"picking bones is for dogs the beef ends with you"
I left and I felt followed

— The End —