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kittycat Mar 2016
It felt like before,but this time it wasn't the same!It hurts so bad it left so quickly but back so fast it came . I disturb so many hearts broke so many rules, now it feels like my life is over. No more trust just hurt and pain. It felt like I never pleased anyone but just less trust I have gained. I have cried so many times none have notest. My life is like a switch it works one life and then the next it doesn't. I tried so many times to say and call for help. But yet none heard me once again tried yet there's one that blocks my way. Life is like a bulb it works or it doesn't. Some people don't understand what you going throw. Even when you explain, or even if you try to. Yet my life seems to be perfect but its not. Sometimes I wish it was just a dream:(
larry Dec 2013
in a crowded i scream without a sound. i gren just to fit in. i make myself look like a fool just to make them look just to be notest

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