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chukwu christian Oct 2014
oh how i wish
one add me up at
christian nnaemeka
chukwu mopol
on facebook.
Emeka Mokeme Jan 2020
Is the water of the
ocean from somewhere
under the ground.
What is it and
how did it appear.
Where is its source.
And the water
under the ground,
where does it flow to.
From where did it
come from and
where is it going to.
Where is the source
of the rain which 
falls to the earth.
Is there another
body of water up
in the firmament.
Who has seen it.
The water inside the rock,
how did it get in there.
Can they ever come
together and merged as one.
How did it form
and come to be.
I know it is alive
and listens to our
conversations and
with compassion.
I know it responds
and reacts to our
feelings and every
word spoken.
I also know it heals
everything it touched.
I know that our utterances
of love evokes its power
to affect our consciousness.
Our ancestors knows
its sacred secrets.
The ancient sages tune
into its immense help.
It has the key to immortality.
It is the elixir of life,
guarded jealously by the gods.
It works in synergy
with the sun and the moon.
All things above
the heavens and
beneath the earth
yield to it.
In it is hidden
the supernatural.
With it you can
do great exploits,
for in the beginning,
the spirit of God moved
and incubated over the
face of the waters.
©2020,Nnaemeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Apr 2020
Don't be distracted
Open your eyes
so you can see
the deception of magic
unfold before your eyes
Stay wake now
do not slumber
Stay home and
be alert
Through your window
peep in the dark
to watch this movie
It is about you
About your very life
Five big G
dancing in the air
on your streets.
Disguised as a
mechanic working even
in the rain.
No a technician,
planting his technology
in your frontyard,
no your backyard
With impunity
they worked tirelessly.
No consent seemed,
that's how cruel
they are.
Robots are better,
they say.
Delibratly introducing
something new.
Artificial intelligence,
the next level.
Covid-19 vaccine,
to help you heal.
But microchip inserted,
unwittingly to monitor
your every move.
Digital certificate,
you must produce,
or no buying and
no selling allowed.
Don't think you
are safe.
To sleep with
a wild lion
or a cobra
is better than
a deluded and
demonic sick lunatic.
Stay awake and
stay home,
be safe but
don't be distracted.
Enjoy the movie.
©2020,Nnaemeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Jan 2020
I am the mysterious,
the mystery inside the
song that flows from
the unknown.

I am the song
of love known to
bring sucour and
solace to blissfully
affect your heart.

The song of
the spirit that
speak volumes
of itself to
those who listen.

The song hiding
between sadness and joy,
life and death,
to dispel nightmares that
haunt your mind.

I am the healer
of the afflicted
and the abused,
confused and deeply
wounded soul.

Interwoven within
the body and
the mind of
hurting and broken
lost souls.  

The one who
penetrates the depth
of your darkness
to take away
your ignorance.

The one who speak
in silence until
your soul knows
and understands

I am the light bringer,
whose song offers
sweet savour to
your soul and feelings.

I am here to
heal and to help
rebuild and fortify
your brokenness.

I am the one
that dwells within
the silence of
your stillness.

I'm the one that
make your solitude
awaken your spirit
from its slumber.

I am the twist
within your breathe,
the one that counts
the rhythm of your pulse.

I am the invisible
and invincible secrets
within the
cellular life flowing
inside your blood.

I am that song
in the beginning
of creation,
from the sphere
of divine realm.

I am that song
with vim which
quickens with vigour
to make your soul
dance with vitality.

I am that song
of divinity
in your heart
whose desire is to
seek the beloved.

With pure bliss,
it listens to
its sweetness and
answer to its rhythmic
interchange balance.

I am that silent
unspoken words in
the song which transpired
between two hearts
binding them together.

I am the song
in your love
which makes the soul
go weak at the knees.

I am that unsolicited,
unsung song inside
the accessible space of
time in your quiet moments.

I am the answer
to pacify the
cry of the needy
and hurting soul.

I am the song
of the ancient
rhythm of the
sages and the ancestors.

I am the God
of your heart
and realization
dancing on the bruised
heads of a thousand serpents
to free you.
2020,Nnaemeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Jan 2020
The cut is deep
and hurts so bad.

Numbed to my bones,
the marrows freezed
like the water
in the ice box.

But my heart
and my soul
affected is
is now healed.

By the hands
of him whose
touch is like
the balm of Gilead

I found succor
and deliverance
that's soothing,
calming and comforting.

Full of love
and compassion,
he offered warmth
and solace to
my fragile heart.

His presence
strengthened my frail
tired body.

And now my soul
vitalized by the
divine effulgence
which gave it strength.

I'm a renewed being,
recreated and different.

My nature changed
to that of
an exulted being.

I am more
than you could
ever imagined.

A creature of heaven
in an earthly body.

Purified and sanctified
for this very purpose.

And in pursuit
of this purpose,
I found myself.
©2020,Nnaemeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Jan 2020
Just let it be,
let the earth be,
you have truly
done enough.

You will never
remedy the scars
of its wound
inflicted by your greed.

Don't add to
its bruises by
any selfish act
of your ignorance.

It is that
complicated even
when you try to help,
it doesn't need it.

The inconsiderable
abuse has made it
to be insensitive
to your feelings.

But it will recover
and never forget
your labour of love.

For your name is
woven into its fabric
and indelably etched
deeply into its heart.

It speaks of you
to the whole universe
about your sacrifice.

Love it is
that bonds you
together to dine.

With grace and
compassion it
communes in favour
of you.

Extending the hands
of fellowship,
to form a nation
through you. 

Because of you
sudden providence
and resources from
its source of bounty

For it is now
an extension of you,
as above,
so it is below.

As it is
even so are you,
a reflection and
exact replica of
its multifaceted image.

And as the joy
of bliss returned,
know you have
more than enough.
©2020,Nnaemeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Jan 2020
Now is not
the time to
assess the
Morning comes
with the presence
of pregnancy.
Destiny is wrought
on the map
of life.
Can you hear
what the wind
Or understand what
the ground utters
to the universe.
Leaves of the
trees bear witness
to a life
of forever.
Who knows what
the sand said
to the root
that makes the
leaves fall to
the ground.
I'm sure you
heard what
the wind whispered
to the leaves
to make it yield.
Are you the one
that makes the
leaves change colour
in their season.
Did you see the
hand of the sun
as it paints
over the cloud
to change colours.
Maybe you are
the reason the
trees shades their
leaves at a
particular time.
Who has ever heard
the drums of
the moon
as it makes
the waves dance.
Are you the one
within the ebbs
and flows 
of the tides.
Maybe you are
the timekeeper
that told the
chick in an egg
the moment to
crack its shell
from within to
Who has heard the
strings of the violin
played by the fairies
to make the heart
fall in love.
Have you ever seen
the heart of a
lover as it
behold the beloved.
Soft and tender,
alluring and lovely,
isn't it.
Nothing can be
compared to the
love of a soul
over a desired
From within that heart
heaven beckons.
And is touched
by the one
who heard the call.
©2020,Nnaemeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Jan 2020
As you look around
from left to right
and up and down,
i wonder why
you never complained
as you observe
the things you see.
I know you see
the tiny specks
of dust sharing
the space with you
hitherto moving in
the air as if
with wings dancing
to the rhythm 
drummed by the wind.
You walked as if
they never bother you
but they messed up
your living room,
messed up everything
you took time
to clean up,
your clothes,
shoes and pretty face
yet you go about
ignoring them.
Pretending as if
it is allowed,
but you accommodated
their intrusion.
I wondered why you
didn't do the same
to your neighbour
who knowingly or
unknowingly offended you.
Don't you see that
even the dust has a
lesson to teach you.
They have a sign
to those who understands.
©2020,Nnaemeka Mokeme.
Emeka Mokeme Jan 2020
He speaks
with love as
if on fire
for her.
Waiting by the
corner of the
long road,
love has the
best gift for her,
gifted to the one
so broken,
not knowing that
love has
something so
beautiful to offer,
and now they
found each other.
their heart connects,
love captured and
consumed their souls.
Who said
there is no
longer love
for the aged.
Age is a
matter of the mind,
and if you don't mind,
it doesn't matter.
Like a package
wrapped and kept
in the arctic
to be opened
in due season,
she waited by faith.
Like an aged wine
in the wine celler,
matured and confident,
she will taste
and perform well on
the dining and
the other room.
And now their
hearts trapped as one
love blossomed forever.
As for you
who waits long,
loves gift will soon
exchange hands
and love will bloom.
©2020,Nnaemeka Mokeme.

— The End —