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Hakim Kassim Nov 2023
It waves hard, like
  An ordeal of times
Irresistible, it wears
 Wilfully mortal
It worries, like
     summer sky,
  Setting the soul
In woeful tone the
  Haplessly weeps to
Longing, infinite and
   Furnishes the mood
Outside, nighingale
  Sings through
     the vacant autumn
             Hakim Kassim.
Misha garg May 2018
Melody spun by threads of fate
Dirge brimming with tears flows
Melancholic harmony sung in a forlorn tune
Each bit of this song reverbates with him
Caged in the throat a scream of his name
Withering verses of her youth in his thirst
Lost in midst of cacophony of orthodox shrieks
Binded in chains of clamor of rank
A nighingale sings to the flute of his love
Blood in her veins dance to his symphony
Stolen by noise of deceit in tunes of destiny
Soul now sings hymns of love in heaven

— The End —