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Nannette Scott Sep 2010
Heart,this one's for you
him and I are through.
He's long been gone
pass the Avalon.
So why can't you let it be??

I know you love him
but they're a them.
I know you feel incomplete;
even more with each heartbeat
but you've got to let it be!!

I know you whine
cause he's not mine.
I know you cry
and want to die.
but listen to me
and just let it be.

I know you hate her
but blame the creator
causing this here pain
you know won't remain
whom you must let be.

Why can't you see
that he doesn't want me
All he wants is she
that took him from me
You've got to let it be!!

For if you don't let go
of wanting to know
then your useless love will grow
where it should be down below.

So let it be
and find some peace.
I'm begging please,
PLEASE,just let it be!!!

                    <3  Nannette
Carolin Jan 2016
Written with Nannette Wakefield and I :

Rose petals in the tub
are waiting for you and
I to jump in. Waiting
desperately to caress
our skin.
The night has come and
door bell never rang. Your
phone turns me to voice
mail. I'm all alone crying
on the bathroom floor.
Minutes after I get a
text that your with
someone else.
I cried as I took a few pills.
In the tub I went with my
night gown. The water
covered my every inch.
as I planned to drown. To
drown my sorrow to drown
my misery and shame.
As I was feeling low and
cheap I wanted to shut my
eyes under the running
water and sleep. So much
pain had filled my heart
and lungs. So much hurt
flowed along the blood in
my veins.
I heard echoes under water
of your name. I heard the
promises you've once told
me while I was in your bed.

How could a human heart
be so cold. How could you
kiss one's innocent lips and
play them like a magic trick ?
How could you fake love just
to please yourself and sin ?
How could you expect me
to cope with all of this ?
As I begin to sink slowly
down into the tepid water
I feel so disappointed to
have put my trust in you.
I feel so betrayed and
isolated and alone.
I start to feel the affects
of the pills I had carelessly
taken and then I start to
Who the hell are you to
make me want to end my
life when its you that chose
to cut me deeply with that
sharp knife.
You will not win.  And as I
see a petal float across
my face my heart seems
to be brought back to life
and race.
I sit up still groggy with
the effects of the pills but
with a new sense of my life
my purpose my will.
So don't come begging
me once more. Because
the girl you once knew
and loved does not live
at this door

— The End —