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For centuries I took on different monikers
Of what America has labelled me
If I was African in Europe or Spain
They won't say African-Spaniard or African-European they was just label me as a black person born in Spain or Europe
It would seem to fly in the face of this rhetorical statement that yet hasn't been evaluated
But only in America I have a certain label and class mostly because of a race
Check out the statistics
200 years ago I was called *****
50 years later I am called colored
50 years later I am called *****
25 years later I'm called black

25 years later I am called African American
This **** doesn't add up so I had
To re-add my history and subtract the *******
That's getting spit from.the pulpits
The pimps that is
They dipped there tongue in scorching sphere
Then say they are luminous in the atmosphere
A holy ghost more like a holy hoax
I been lied to about my history
The more I discover the more I recognized
That blacks the true lost Israelites
Have built American and formed pretty muxh every innovation you can think of
Not to mention the whites folks that only had the
Money and resources then take credit as there
Own plagiarism at its best
No offense to white folks
But truthful white folks know where I'm
Going with this
Racialist to divide races to keep one superior
And the other inferior
Strain sweat blood tears instill the deepest fears
For four hundred plus years
Can't even get an even score society to sore
When a black man rises he look upon as a terrorist
To the secret entities they lie within the government
Why did Hoover and his gang assasinated Malcolm X and Medgar Evers huh?? Where they that terrified
Of a rise of a Black.Nation??
So I'm.denouncing my citizen ship under the alias African American I'm a black Hebrew a stolen one at that lol
cheska love Jan 2014
I am becoming the thoughts that are continuously running threw my head
They consume me! I can't sleep at night, I can't wake up in the morning, I can'
Do you know that feeling where your smilling on the outside but you're in so muxh pain on the  inside?
Not anyone knows,not anyone
Who you really ARE when your crying all alone in your room,when you're not faking it!  you're scarred and your lonely
There isn't even an......escape!
You're trapped
You want things to change. You NEED things to change!  
You wont something to look forward to in the morning!
You want something to go to sleep to at night!

— The End —