Matloob Bokhari
In a fortified city –land of social divide,
Where lordly rulers, sadly greedy reside.
I saw a girl, searching a scrap of food.
Hunger poured out from her innocent face.
Pain and poverty had silenced her smile.
On my question, stammering, she replied;
“In poverty, I am walking on thorns of life;
Parent without shelter, pass nights in a tent
And days of sorrow in the shadow of tree.”
Listening this, my eyes wept with tears.
Kissing her ***** and tired hands, I said:
“Love you, my poor girl; your story is so sad.”
Looking at me, my Murshud smilingly said,
“O created for Eternal Bliss, Give and will be given,
True joy in life is to share a slice of bread
Live a simple life; so others may simply live.”
Kristen Scott: Poignant, heartfelt, and an awakening against female brutality ~ well-done my friend, Kristen
Gary Leikas: Really lovely, tender and compassionate poem !! Poverty is more sad if that comes from the poor spirit. Love is pure gold !! Love is the only one that we have a real treasure . A beautiful piece.