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Julie Grace Feb 2012
I will put into a language you can understand
so my point can finally get across
without your constant misconceptions and
twisting of my words.
Your ability is quite a rare talent
found only in a breed of superhumans -
otherwise known as math people.
They are the scientifically analytical and straightforward types
who use their wit and logical minds
to confuse the common folk with
unknown number sequences and expressions.
So that brings us to our problem at hand
how you can turn A plus B into C minus D.
The equation is simple enough,
because the variables are all there.
But the second I open my mouth,
they disappear, flying out of the window
to a land where math is native tongue.
There X times Y is two Pi squared.
Or negative B is positive C.
To put it in the simpliest terms:
Take the constant IAM all over
The product of one S and one O, times
the quantity of R squared, mulitiplied
by the term Y.
Strictly mathematically speaking of course.
Justin Lee Dec 2011
Death is an odd number.
I have multiplied an even temper,
an even heart, an even playing field,
two parents, two major traumatic events,
four major moves, eight stages to a break down
twelve stages to a recovery four times.
I have mulitiplied tens of girlfriends
and hundreds of friends, all with even little
zeroes sitting at the end of their quantities and
And all I get is 7, 25, 57, 143, 1, 1777, 945, and 3.
And no love can exist if not divisible by 2,
so I imagine Death is
just the absence of love.

I feel cold now.

— The End —