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martin Jan 2013
A Massey Fergie tractor
An old VW beetle
A worn out pair of boots
Manuela the 3 legged dog, and Senora
In their humble tumble home

The small concession to modern life
Just a mobile phone

Nothing special here
No status or wealth is evident
I love you Senor Mujica!
You do not change your way of life
Just because you're President
The president of Uraguay to be specific.
A former revolutionary and long term political prisoner,
he gives away 90%  of his salary.  Google him!
Yohko Estrella Mar 2012
My army stands behind me
Where you cannot harm them.
And, with them to defend me,
You cannot harm me too.

President Mujica, Emporer Jimmu,
Jesus, Buddha and Scrappy Doo.
Gazoo, Kung Fu
And most of all you

The ranks of soldiers unfallen
Always unreachable by you.
They are my past, my knowledge
And my future.

— The End —