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Ruby Nemo Jul 2018
There comes a time in man's gentle endeavors in which their person flutters through. Not perfect, not even close. When all of the essentials are blatantly missing, but nevertheless you chase. And it's not the chase; it cannot be, because that chase is distinguishable from all else.

Though still, the heavy burden provokes. Why? Well, man may claim the uncertainty of such an underdeveloped string of emotions, yet in some fashion this is utterly obscure. If my opinions not be discerned from a folly fool, let my brain be put to rest!

No, I say, it is much deeper than that. When simple dining becomes strenuous, and the tear ducts loose, another vague instance is to blame. It is not the result of a mere first glance. It is not the result of the wave of a hand. Hell, it is not even that which has evolved from a childish fling. It is something called My Person Condition.

And it is more complex, still. It is worthy of noting that a condition is identified in a modified fashion. See that this is no disease, no ailment, no illness. An unfortunate victim has no hopes of returning to their former, less-impaired self, but their opinions are clouded so fully that this, to them, brings upon great advantages. Yet the scars and piercing truths that lurk within MPC prove to be a particularly heavy load for most to carry.

The earliest symptoms may include the following: loss of appetite, perspiration, anxious breathing, spotted vision, hallucinations, reclusiveness, futuristic thoughts, rage, severe bipolar tendencies, self-contradiction, loss of sleep, loss of energy, sorrow, hopefulness, nightmares, and ****** rejection resulting in extractions such as emesis, urination, and excessive bleeding. Patients will also find difficulty in restricting their thoughts to those which do not include their person. The danger that lies within this condition is extensive, but can be overturned with the proper care and medical attention.

Perhaps I have refrained from discussing the most detrimental force assigned to any MPC sufferer, and that is the false sense of progression of mental feelings of stability. As days move on, and nights drag out into the next, new faces are introduced at an increasingly rapid rate. This can be destructive in the sense that the victim will gain a false grip on reality. They will reject further treatment, stand down in a circulation of positive vibrations, and cease to recall the importance of their continuous efforts against their condition.

A day rolls around in several years. They share feelings of gratitude and affection with another being, pretending that their person has left their mind for good. Until the radio threatens to remind them of so long ago, the compulsive nights that were spent in pursuit of an extra pinch of knowledge. Until the box fills the patient's ears with a sweet melodic voice spun from pure gold and coated in the finest finish. MPC revives itself like a flame inside their heart, inside their bloodstream. Renewal flows through their veins at a painless rate - until a grin spreads across their face, their head is turned back around, and there they are.
My Person.
Danny O'Sullivan Jun 2013
Oh, I don't mean to sigh, or groan,
No this isn't a moan I don't mean this
Word the way it often seems but
Have we became the 'ironic points of light'?

That was your prophecy, I guessed, anyway.
But if you can see, please look and
Well, be happy, maybe?
See us working, not just verses
But lit by sound I'm here in a big
Mixing *** of music ready for the
Bruises of potential.

Nah, I'll bask in the fun of this
Experimental sapling all small just now.
Here I am sprawling beatwordbeat
There he is with beatbeatbeat
Letter to the letter (MPC?)

But, **** it all if I don't love this
Chance for poetry.
Well me and my flatmate Robin are working together, music and poetry. And if anyone knows 'September 1st 1939' by W.H. Auden, I hope you understand the point of this. Creativity will save the world!!
Lawrence Hall Jul 2023
Lawrence Hall

                                                  A Japanese Army Cap

                         "A fool lies here who tried to hustle the east"


Long, long ago in a land far away
I met some children playing on a river bank
One little boy wore a Japanese Army cap
Faded and old – I wondered who wore it first?

I tried to buy it from him - an MPC dollar?
Five dollars?
Ten dollars?
Laughter and another no.
Twenty good American MPC dollars?

We continued our patrol up to Cambodia
And back again
I did not leave my bones in Viet-Nam
Nor even my cap  
                                            (I was a fool all the same)

— The End —