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Thugged out since cub scouts.
Fun starts when school's out.
Molly, Mary, and Lucy dearest,
girls who keep my vision clearest.

I"m up, so who's down?
Fools runnin' round fools town.
School night, nobody cares.
We're all magnifying Ms. Mary's hair.

Singing: Crystal, crystal, on my nugs.
Mary Jane gives killer hugs.
Makes you feel all warm and cozy.
Such is merry Mary's mozy.

Molly's always in a rush.
Hair a mess and face a flush
There's music on and always dancing
when I find myself in Molly's mansion.

Lovely Lucy's quite unstable
Smart as any math-enabled
pencil pushing silly geek.
Though Lucy's strong and they are weak.

Lovely Lucy lives to peak.
To test how well her mind can speak.
The circles she see's in the spaces.
In between those hidden places.

She see's faces, only faces.
Names and words just seem abrasive.
For Lucy's not afraid to BE.
The same as you and same as me.

Molly Mary and Lucy dearest.
Girls who keep my vision clearest.
Sisters spawned from Father Mind.
Who married all these girls to mine.
Comments welcome.
Zack Turner Dec 2011
Toy soldiers align in formations
Where generals command their fleets to vanish
Into the depths of time
Amidst rectangular caverns of sand

Villages of gingerbread decay
Leaving behind many half-broken smiles.

Ornamented plush friends mozy along the meadows of one’s mind
Finding dreams that were once read,
While snowmen slowly melt away
Becoming dried up memories
That remind us of what was once

Upon completing level ten
All has come to a cease

A tear at last
Elvis okumu Mar 2012
Why do I stay awake at night, though sleep sits there by my side and bacons to me. Why do I simply stay awake at night, when my bones ache from the wear and tear and only wish for a simple, silent sleep. Can I really tell you why, can I confide within you on this night, will you ears accept what I say, will you mind not fight the ideas I am about to put on display. No, no, no, don’t simply say yes, don’t nod your head because your neighbor does so. Don’t just be a simple sheep this lead by the nose, gripped by those ropes of social acceptance? Every day I hear, I hear the cries of wills thrown down, tossed away  simply because it is not cool enough to be yourself.  The grating sound of soo many mind cast down, dropped by the way side like some unknown unmentionable. Such that the body can mozy on down to join the herd. To be led to the slaughter. I hear them, screaming within their minds as they realize where they will end up. I hear them clawing and scratching to try to get away, to save themselves on this day. And yet it has become too late, for them to try and change their fate. This is the price, for that chance to cast those die. This is the price you, pay, to go on to play this game. No this is the price I see, but I cannot afford to pay.  Sometimes I wish I too could join, be led blissfully to my end, be easy and bend to the currents of the times. Look to see those who are outside me, to know what it is I am to do.

To be cool, heh, to be hip, hop, to let go of the purity of speech and include things my mother would be ashamed to hear me say. To let my clothing follow the will of those whose only goal is to take the cash from my wallet. To go and spend the fruit of my labor on things, to be hedonistic to give in to that mystic force of a fad. I wish to enter into that closed room of everyday drama, to be included in that desperate race to no goal, and to heartbreak. But then I see, the needless effort spent on things that don’t really mean anything. I find that my time and mind have far too much to do, far too much to accomplish in this life time. Of which I will only get one, then that is it, done, finished, banished into the void the great unknown. So I can’t you see, I have a place I need to be. No my friend, I cannot bend, for I have something to send. Oh my dear, I musn’t I fear, I am allergic to beer. Really I can’t, I simply can’t.
My excuses pile up, like a mountain top, I am unable to go out and scream and shout. Have fun as they say, drink my sorrows away. For I fear the heavy lash that comes after being smashed. I wonder is the pleasure so great that it stops the pain that comes after its wake.  Is the price of a lung, a brain, a heart worth it just to sit there and say that you are baked. I feel that the stakes are too high, the breaks too painful, the lake too hot for me to even take a simple step. So I remain on the shore, staring longingly.
Whole fully discontent with the lot I have lent myself to.  Then I walk back to my bed wrap my hands behind my head, and stay awake wondering why it could be. What I am missing what the sights I should see. And sleep becons to me. But me I cannot let it lead just yet. For my thoughts have no answers met.

— The End —